Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Back to the Blog

I'm going to resurrect this blog from the dead as I attempt to train for a fall marathon. My running has slowly been on the decline over the past two years due to various factors such as inconsistent training, lack of motivation, injuries, and work conflicts. The first 3+ months of 2013, I barely ran at all and was horribly out of shape. Since the second week of April, however, I'm back on the horse and training well. I'm way ahead of where I was, but still have a lot to accomplish to get back to where I'd like to be.

Since I've been back running again, I've participated in the American Odyssey Relay as part of an ultra team and "raced" the following: Spin in the Woods 8k, Run Aware 5k, Run for the Animals 5k, and the Memorial 4 Miler. Its been difficult humbling myself to the point where I can hold my head up high and get out there for these, but they have been instrumental in progressing my fitness more quickly. My initial goal was to run the Twilighter in under 30:00 and take it from there, but it looks like I'm far ahead of schedule on that front.

I've mainly been doing base mileage since I began running again, with an emphasis on the long run. I've stepped up from 12 miles initially the week after the relay to 14 and now 16 last week. I'll do 16 again this week and try to do it a little faster. I've also started hitting the track just for some fast strides in spikes as a form of leg prep. I could definitely feel the benefit during the race earlier this week. I'll alternate those with some hills and begin some light workouts in the next two weeks.

The picture above is from my most recent race on Memorial Day.

Weekly Mileage in May:
4/29-5/5: 40
5/6-5/12: 50
5/13-5/19: 55
5/20-5/26: 60