Although New York is widely considered a terrible city for runners, I have made do quite well while I've been here. On Sunday I did a 12 mile run in Central Park, the first 4.5 of which with Anthony and Kirsten and the rest on my own. This park really is a phenomenal resource in this city and I had a great run. Some tool in sunglasses and racing flats turned off a path right in front of me on my second loop of the park and I had no choice but to pass him and drop him. He tried to hold on for a while, but eventually faded and pushed me to pick up my sluggish 7-7:15 pace to a more crisp 6:20-6:40 clip for a considerable chunk of the run.
Monday was a quick 10 miler with Anthony from Brooklyn across the Brooklyn Bridge and through Battery Park and along the Hudson in Manhattan. This run was both fun and scenic, although it involved a bit more people-dodging than I would have liked. We booked it down the Brooklyn Bridge on the way back in low 6 pace and it felt great. After one last run in NYC tomorrow morning it will be time to head back to snowy Maryland for another difficult week of weather!
Weather shouldn't be bad, mid-to-high 30s and no rain or snow... Not many sidewalks or paths to run on, but the Germantown Rec Park has a 1.2 mile road loop that is clear and is more or less devoid of cars, depending on when you go.