Friday, April 16, 2010

Race Report: Crystal City Friday 5k

With a lack of good racing opportunities and getting sick a few weeks ago, I haven't gotten out and raced in 5 weeks. I've got no problem with this--the training and workouts need to be the #1 priority and I'm glad I took the time to get back into the swing of things before attempting to race.

With Pike's Peek in 9 days, tonight was a perfect opportunity to get in a warm up race to see where I'm at. It was a total success; I PR'd, ran up to expectations, and learned a few valuable things that will be useful next time I toe the line.

1) I need to wear a different pair of flats. The Streak is ok, but its way too soft which feels pretty sloppy especially on a course like tonight's with so many turns. Also, each time I've raced in these shoes this spring my left shin has tightened up at some point early in the second mile, which impedes my form and leaves me at a serious disadvantage for the rest of the race. I think next week I'll play it safe and race in my workout flats and see if the change makes any difference.

2) When I'm running fast, especially when I'm tired, my form goes to shit. I tense up and forget to relax and just flow. My stride is more labored and I lean back, causing me to lose momentum and heel strike more. One of the reasons I had such a good long run last week is that I was constantly reminding myself to relax my body (especially my hips and shoulders), and I was immediately able to pick up the pace at no extra effort. This has got to be on my mind during the entirety of next week's race.

The race itself: A pack of five took off at the start, and knowing they would go out in around 5 flat for the mile I hung back a bit keeping them in my sights. I was running with another guy through about 1200 but dropped him there and was pretty much alone the rest of the race. As expected, the top pack went through the mile between 5:00 and 5:08, and I came through at around 5:14. This is the fastest I've gone out in a race since college, but I trusted my fitness and kept up the pressure.

While the course is basically flat, the first half of the second mile is on a slight incline and I began to tire a bit. What kept me motivated was two of the pack of five ahead of me had maxed out and were slowly coming back to me. While the second mile was tough, they definitely got me through it. I hit two miles in 10:40 for a 5:25.

I was gaining slowly on the guy in fifth for half of the third mile. I finally passed him and he had no intention of responding at all. I had my eye on fourth, but he was starting to come back to life knowing the finish line was within reach. I hit 16:03 for three miles with a 5:23, maybe 10 meters behind fourth place. Almost immediately after hitting three miles he took off, and while I certianly kicked hard he was just out of reach. He ended up getting me by two seconds. I ran 16:34, a road and otherwise PR for 5k.

I would call the course flat, but not necessarily fast. There were two 180 degree turnarounds and ten or more 90 degree turns that definitely disrupted rhythm. The weather was around 80, but it was cloudy and about to rain so I didn't notice it much--the sun is what usually gets to me.


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