The course was very difficult, and the weather made it much worse as it made the non-paved sections of the course muddy and the paved sections slick and slippery. With a lot of turns and short, steep hills, it was no walk in the park.
The first mile felt very relaxed and in control, and early in the second mile the eventual winner took off. I couldn't stick with him, and ran with/close behind Jordan Snyder and Jon Torrance for much of the rest of the race. I fell off them for a bit in the third mile but crept up and after hitting the third mile mark I made my move. I caught Torrance and blew past him with about 100 to go but didn't have enough to catch Jordan who edged me out for second. We finished with the same time.
It was a fun outing, and definitely turned into a race effort. I'm really glad I came out and ran it, and made some money in the process. I ended up getting in 14 for the day--I did a cooldown with Jordan after the race, and then decided to do another one on the park's trails (on which I had never run on before but were awesome) after the awards ceremony. I was pretty beat when all was said and done.
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100523RunForTheAnimals5km.htm
Nice write up and thanks for the shout out. See ya soon. Jordan