With a new pair of shoes and a bit of time off, I think my IT band issue is finally starting to get under control. I'll be away all next week and the plan is to be ready to run at full volume and intensity when I get back. I'll do what I can do and try to make sure the IT band is improving day-to-day.
Week 29: 40
June: 194
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Race Report: Spirit of Gettysburg 5k
Despite my injury I decided to run the Gettysburg 5k since I'd already paid the entry fee and because its an awesome race. I decided to get out hard and just see what happened since I know my fitness isn't what it was a few weeks ago.
I went out with the leaders for a bit but let them go. Good thing as from what I could see they went out in 4:40-4:45. I hit the mile in 5:11 and immediately started to feel a bit tired. I shuffled through mile two while watching the front pack implode and string out ahead of me. After hitting 5:33 for my second mile I decided to pick it up (I still wanted to break 17 at the very least...) although I had already thrown in the towel for the most part.
During the third mile I remembered that I've still got some fitness and picked it up, passing someone with about 800 to go. I didn't kick it in but kept a strong pace through the finish. I ran 6:02 for the last 1.1 (~5:29 pace). I ran like crap (as expected) but had a really great time--this race has a refreshing atmosphere compared to those in the D.C. area. Time to get this injury under control and start running well again!
Results: http://runhigh.com/2010RESULTS/R062610AB.HTML
I went out with the leaders for a bit but let them go. Good thing as from what I could see they went out in 4:40-4:45. I hit the mile in 5:11 and immediately started to feel a bit tired. I shuffled through mile two while watching the front pack implode and string out ahead of me. After hitting 5:33 for my second mile I decided to pick it up (I still wanted to break 17 at the very least...) although I had already thrown in the towel for the most part.
During the third mile I remembered that I've still got some fitness and picked it up, passing someone with about 800 to go. I didn't kick it in but kept a strong pace through the finish. I ran 6:02 for the last 1.1 (~5:29 pace). I ran like crap (as expected) but had a really great time--this race has a refreshing atmosphere compared to those in the D.C. area. Time to get this injury under control and start running well again!
Results: http://runhigh.com/2010RESULTS/R062610AB.HTML
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Back on (the) Track?
I got my new shoes yesterday, which have really helped with my IT band issue. Its funny, I had a similar problem with my IT band relating to footwear around this time last year. I ventured to the Georgetown Prep track this morning to try and get in some quicker stuff. I've registered for a race Saturday and would ideally like to run it (and PR), so I needed to get something quick in to wake up my legs, but also see how my IT band would react to faster running.
I did 4 x 200 (100j), 3 x 250 (150j), 1000 (200j), 4 x 200 (100j). Very short, but meant to introduce some speed as well as attempt at least one of the longer intervals I had originally planned for today. The workout went well, I ran in very hot weather so I was pretty wiped by the end. I negative split the 1000 in 3:00 (73, 72, 35) and although it was tough, it felt a lot more comfortable than I thought it would. The IT band felt a lot better today--and I think some faster running helped loosen it up.
I did 4 x 200 (100j), 3 x 250 (150j), 1000 (200j), 4 x 200 (100j). Very short, but meant to introduce some speed as well as attempt at least one of the longer intervals I had originally planned for today. The workout went well, I ran in very hot weather so I was pretty wiped by the end. I negative split the 1000 in 3:00 (73, 72, 35) and although it was tough, it felt a lot more comfortable than I thought it would. The IT band felt a lot better today--and I think some faster running helped loosen it up.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Week 28
Took a bit of time off for the IT band so only five days of running. Priority is being able to run and do workouts with minimal pain. If I can't do that, I'm not running. Next week will be experimental!
Week 28: 47
June: 154
Week 28: 47
June: 154
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I've had a pretty obnoxious IT band issue for the last two or three weeks. I've been able to run through it, but doing workouts where I'm stopping and starting...thus any interval workout is pretty painful. While cutting out this type of training along with all strides has helped the IT band improve a bit, I've been feeling sluggish and slow recently because of the change.
Sunday I went long with Sam, Chris, Matt, and Roni. We hit up Old Angler's Inn for 3.5 in the trails and the rest on the Canal. I was planning to hit 14, but everyone except Chris only wanted 10 and my IT was not feeling great. We bumped the pace down to 6:25s for the last few miles which should feel pretty moderate but I was hurting. The combination of the intense heat and humidity along with a bit of a limp left me feeling pretty crappy by the end of the run, but it was a good effort nonetheless. I ended up getting in 12.
Today, while needing a speed workout but not wanting to exacerbate my leg, I opted for a hard 10. I definitely felt sluggish and getting my legs to turn over faster than 6:00 pace was tougher than it should have been. While I wasn't getting tired, it was more a matter of keeping up the turnover and cadence that was difficult. I finally got moving during the fifth mile and ran the last six in 34:29. I completed the full ten in 59:14--not at all a bad effort for how "off" I was feeling at those paces.
Sunday I went long with Sam, Chris, Matt, and Roni. We hit up Old Angler's Inn for 3.5 in the trails and the rest on the Canal. I was planning to hit 14, but everyone except Chris only wanted 10 and my IT was not feeling great. We bumped the pace down to 6:25s for the last few miles which should feel pretty moderate but I was hurting. The combination of the intense heat and humidity along with a bit of a limp left me feeling pretty crappy by the end of the run, but it was a good effort nonetheless. I ended up getting in 12.
Today, while needing a speed workout but not wanting to exacerbate my leg, I opted for a hard 10. I definitely felt sluggish and getting my legs to turn over faster than 6:00 pace was tougher than it should have been. While I wasn't getting tired, it was more a matter of keeping up the turnover and cadence that was difficult. I finally got moving during the fifth mile and ran the last six in 34:29. I completed the full ten in 59:14--not at all a bad effort for how "off" I was feeling at those paces.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Week 27

I did a workout on the Gaithersburg XC course on Tuesday night which involved a lot of stopping and starting which did not make my already tender right leg very happy. My IT band and lots of related tendons and muscles in that leg along with my knee were killing me by Friday. Luckily I felt nothing during the race--but it has not been pleasant. I need to get that under control.
I've also gotta get back on the lifting. I haven't really lifted in two or three weeks, which I think has contributed to my injury as I do a lot of flexibility stuff in the gym. Thats all gotta change next week.
After a very up and down week, I had a great run on Saturday night from Seneca Creek State Park north on the Greenway. It was gorgeous and I picked up the pace to 6:40ish for a bit in the last 1.5 miles which is probably 6 flat effort or faster on that trail. I felt awesome. Afterward, I went to Wing Stop which always hits the spot. Five piece Cajun boneless combo BAM. Just a great night of running and eating.
Week 27: 65
June: 107
Friday, June 11, 2010
Race Report: Gaithersburg XC 5k

This section of the course is run along a paved path for about 1200 meters, and normally runners are expected to stick to the grass when possible, especially during one section about 2k into the race. The markings today, however, suggested that we stick to the pavement and since thats what Alex did ahead of me I followed suit. It was at this point that Mark Hoon, from about 30 yards behind, decided to yell at me to "be a man" and run on the grass. I have no problem running on grass, but I like to follow the marked course so thats what I did--with no shame or regret.
As we moved through the second mile of the course, I was running well but was not as close to Alex as I would have liked. I knew I could probably win the race if it came down to a kick but I wasn't close enough. I made several surged to try and make up ground but he wasn't backing down--if I made up distance he would somehow always pull ahead again. I never got close enough to contend.
That being said I really pushed it this week. I feel as if I ran a much better race than last week, staying strong throughout and never really "settling" into a pace despite being alone for about 75% of the race. I finished in 2nd at 17:17--a 5 second PR for the course and a great time for the sunny, hot weather. I'd have ideally liked to dip under 17 but I think I've still got a bit of work to do be where I wanted to be at this point.
First picture: the pack during the first mile just before it broke apart
Second picture: @ 2 miles
Third picture: running solo with about 800 to go
Fourth picture: kicking it in on the track
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100611Gaihersburg-XC-5K.htm
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Race Report: Capital Crescent 5k
Today was my first serious race in over a month. I ran well, but the rust definitely showed. I knew there would be some competitive runners in the field but I felt confident that I had a shot at winning the race and running a PR today.
I decided to run a conservative first mile, especially since I didn't want to go out of control as it was all downhill on the way out. A pack of four jumped out ahead and I sat in the second pack until right after the mile. The first pack consisted of Mat Abernathy and Peter Novick (two old faces from the Golf Course days), a PR runner, and surprisingly, a 27 year old woman. I hit the mile in 5:08 and immediately picked it up on the bridge over River Road, where I passed Novick (this was the last time I'd see him). Steps later I caught and passed the woman, although she latched onto me and had no intention of dropping.
Hitting the sharp turnaround on the trail I could see she was right on my ass, and saw there were others close behind. I stayed in third behind Abernathy and the PR runner (who had a sizeable 15 second lead at this point) for the next half mile--but knew the woman was only one or two steps behind. I hit two miles in 10:33 (5:25 for the second mile) which I thought was pretty spot-on due to the nature of the course.
Soon after I was passed by none other than Jordan Snyder who immediately gaped me by a good ten meters. I knew with the uphill nature of the second half that I needed to be working harder. I didn't have enough to surge to catch him, but I did pick up the pace enough the stay an even distance behind him for the entire third mile. This was heavily aided by the first woman, who pulled even and attempted to pass me with about 1000-800 to go. I surged and dropped her. She pulled even again and got a step on me. Hell no. I looked up at Jordan and focused on moving up on him. The woman faded a bit and I hit three miles in 16:10 (5:36 eek).
I was hurting, but could feel that I was dragging and moving too slowly. I feel like I basically resigned myself to stay steady during the third mile rather than making a big move. Safe and possibly smart, but not the edge I had at Pike's Peek. Thats ok for my first race back, but to run faster I need to make those moves. I obviously had something left as I got my legs turning over and hit 28 seconds from the third mile mark to the finish. I passed Jordan with about 100 meters to go and rolled it in. 16:38, four seconds off my PR, and a third place finish. Not too shabby, but I think a big PR is within reach.
Got in a great seven mile cooldown with a bunch of MCRRC guys and Sam. Big shout out to Sam who got up early to meet me at 7 am for a warmup and trekked out to the mile mark to cheer me on. Great morning, lots of fun, good race. Can't complain, but ready to ramp it up a notch next time.
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100606CapitalCrescent5km.htm
I decided to run a conservative first mile, especially since I didn't want to go out of control as it was all downhill on the way out. A pack of four jumped out ahead and I sat in the second pack until right after the mile. The first pack consisted of Mat Abernathy and Peter Novick (two old faces from the Golf Course days), a PR runner, and surprisingly, a 27 year old woman. I hit the mile in 5:08 and immediately picked it up on the bridge over River Road, where I passed Novick (this was the last time I'd see him). Steps later I caught and passed the woman, although she latched onto me and had no intention of dropping.
Hitting the sharp turnaround on the trail I could see she was right on my ass, and saw there were others close behind. I stayed in third behind Abernathy and the PR runner (who had a sizeable 15 second lead at this point) for the next half mile--but knew the woman was only one or two steps behind. I hit two miles in 10:33 (5:25 for the second mile) which I thought was pretty spot-on due to the nature of the course.
Soon after I was passed by none other than Jordan Snyder who immediately gaped me by a good ten meters. I knew with the uphill nature of the second half that I needed to be working harder. I didn't have enough to surge to catch him, but I did pick up the pace enough the stay an even distance behind him for the entire third mile. This was heavily aided by the first woman, who pulled even and attempted to pass me with about 1000-800 to go. I surged and dropped her. She pulled even again and got a step on me. Hell no. I looked up at Jordan and focused on moving up on him. The woman faded a bit and I hit three miles in 16:10 (5:36 eek).
I was hurting, but could feel that I was dragging and moving too slowly. I feel like I basically resigned myself to stay steady during the third mile rather than making a big move. Safe and possibly smart, but not the edge I had at Pike's Peek. Thats ok for my first race back, but to run faster I need to make those moves. I obviously had something left as I got my legs turning over and hit 28 seconds from the third mile mark to the finish. I passed Jordan with about 100 meters to go and rolled it in. 16:38, four seconds off my PR, and a third place finish. Not too shabby, but I think a big PR is within reach.
Got in a great seven mile cooldown with a bunch of MCRRC guys and Sam. Big shout out to Sam who got up early to meet me at 7 am for a warmup and trekked out to the mile mark to cheer me on. Great morning, lots of fun, good race. Can't complain, but ready to ramp it up a notch next time.
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100606CapitalCrescent5km.htm
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Week 26
HOT WEEK! But its all good. Definitely took it easier near the end of the week with the exception of a very unpleasant track workout Thursday morning. Did a bunch of 300s and 250s and I'm sure they were very slow--but I tried hard and actually finished the workout (first time this week!).
Ran with Sam on Saturday morning in Cabin John--it was great to run with him again. Bringin' back Summer '07 and '08! Went to Landon in the evening and watched a rabbited time trial 1600 involving Chris Moen, Kyle Gaffney, and Andrew Palmer which was a lot of fun to watch. Lots of running going on--its an exciting time of year!
Week 26: 68
May: 309
June: 42
Ran with Sam on Saturday morning in Cabin John--it was great to run with him again. Bringin' back Summer '07 and '08! Went to Landon in the evening and watched a rabbited time trial 1600 involving Chris Moen, Kyle Gaffney, and Andrew Palmer which was a lot of fun to watch. Lots of running going on--its an exciting time of year!
Week 26: 68
May: 309
June: 42
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Thwarted by the Heat
I'm racing next weekend so this week it will be important to make sure I'm getting proper rest and recovery. The heat and humidity have been pretty unbearable--so I've had to cut both hard sessions thus far this week a bit short. I know I'm in great shape so I'm not worried about getting in hard work so much as making sure I'm fresh for this weekend's race.
Sunday I set out for 16, my longest run since doing 20 with Anthony in September of 2008. After an easy to moderate first five miles I planned for the next nine to be at 40%. I got through seven in 41:08 after some poorly paced sections and decided to jog it home from there--my legs had just about had it. Still not a bad run, and I felt great afterward.
This morning I went to Towers for a very easy and relaxed workout. With the heat and running an unexpected ten miler yesterday, I wanted to keep my legs fresh with some faster running without tiring out my body any further. I did 2 x 1.5 miles @ 40% and that was it. I had planned to do some 400s slightly faster after that but the heat was getting to me so I just cooled down and called it a day. Thursday will be on the track so I'll get in some faster running then--no need to kill it today.
Sunday I set out for 16, my longest run since doing 20 with Anthony in September of 2008. After an easy to moderate first five miles I planned for the next nine to be at 40%. I got through seven in 41:08 after some poorly paced sections and decided to jog it home from there--my legs had just about had it. Still not a bad run, and I felt great afterward.
This morning I went to Towers for a very easy and relaxed workout. With the heat and running an unexpected ten miler yesterday, I wanted to keep my legs fresh with some faster running without tiring out my body any further. I did 2 x 1.5 miles @ 40% and that was it. I had planned to do some 400s slightly faster after that but the heat was getting to me so I just cooled down and called it a day. Thursday will be on the track so I'll get in some faster running then--no need to kill it today.
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