I did a workout on the Gaithersburg XC course on Tuesday night which involved a lot of stopping and starting which did not make my already tender right leg very happy. My IT band and lots of related tendons and muscles in that leg along with my knee were killing me by Friday. Luckily I felt nothing during the race--but it has not been pleasant. I need to get that under control.
I've also gotta get back on the lifting. I haven't really lifted in two or three weeks, which I think has contributed to my injury as I do a lot of flexibility stuff in the gym. Thats all gotta change next week.
After a very up and down week, I had a great run on Saturday night from Seneca Creek State Park north on the Greenway. It was gorgeous and I picked up the pace to 6:40ish for a bit in the last 1.5 miles which is probably 6 flat effort or faster on that trail. I felt awesome. Afterward, I went to Wing Stop which always hits the spot. Five piece Cajun boneless combo BAM. Just a great night of running and eating.
Week 27: 65
June: 107
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