Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Long Run

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Jingle Bell Jog 8k

I ended up running 28:42 for 5:47 pace. On this course I'm pretty happy with the time and how it felt--I felt very relaxed through 3.5 miles and still in control past that point. It was also good practice to run in a tight pack for five miles--and a lot of fun to say the least since I do almost all of my workouts and long runs alone.
This will probably be my last "race" for a while (unless I decide to do a New Years Day race) so for now it will be back to training hard. I found out on Sunday night that I got into the Cherry Blossom 10 miler so that will be my focus (along with Pike's Peek) for the next several months.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Speedwork. Finally.

I did 4 x 200 (100j) @ 40%, 8 x 150 (100j) @ 60%, 4 x 200 (100j) @ 40%. It felt awesome and I really got moving on the 150s despite it being about 25 degrees outside with considerable wind. I put on my new cross country spikes for the 150s which really helped accelerate the workout as I've been doing basically all of my running in full weight trainers for the last several months.
I also began lifting again this week which will be a huge positive I think. I'm a bit sore but once I get in the rhythm I think I'm gonna start feeling a lot stronger on my runs.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Phase 2
Today markes the last day of my initial training phase. This consisted of almost exclusively longer runs with pickups in the middle ranging from 0.5 miles to 2 miles as well as a fast long run. After a disappointing long run today I know I still need to work on strength and will continue to do so...but its time to incorporate some faster stuff as well.
This coming week I will replace one of my interval/fartlek/pickup workouts with a shorter, faster track-style workout. This will serve as leg prep for faster interval workouts I'll likely begin in February. This should also give me a little zip to help improve my pacing on longer workouts--so I'm very anxious to get started.
This coming week I will replace one of my interval/fartlek/pickup workouts with a shorter, faster track-style workout. This will serve as leg prep for faster interval workouts I'll likely begin in February. This should also give me a little zip to help improve my pacing on longer workouts--so I'm very anxious to get started.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Turkey Chase 10k

This race is always a blast with all of the familiar faces around and this year did not disappoint. I ended up running the first four miles with Sam which was really fun, and also very helpful as he kept me focused and on pace.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Gearing Back Up
After a tough and unsuccessful summer filled with injuries, unbearable weather, a new work schedule, and concluding with a joke of a half-marathon at Parks, I've begun to gear back up for spring racing. My goal peak races for the spring are the Cherry Blossom 10 miler on April 3rd and Pike's Peek 10k on April 17th.
My training in the last two months has been a little different than usual. I've incorporated a lot of faster running in the form of fartleks and pickups into my base phase as well as my staple fast long run. I've also kept my recovery days short and easy (4-6 miles) which has allowed me to make my quality days really count.
After a bit of a training hiccup over Veteran's Day weekend with a trip to Vassar I'm back on track, having completed a 12 miler on Saturday with the middle 9 miles in 53:53 and a faster workout tonight consisting of some hill repeats and a few 1600 and 800 repeats both uphill and downhill on the Capital Crescent Trail between mile 2 and 3.
My training in the last two months has been a little different than usual. I've incorporated a lot of faster running in the form of fartleks and pickups into my base phase as well as my staple fast long run. I've also kept my recovery days short and easy (4-6 miles) which has allowed me to make my quality days really count.
After a bit of a training hiccup over Veteran's Day weekend with a trip to Vassar I'm back on track, having completed a 12 miler on Saturday with the middle 9 miles in 53:53 and a faster workout tonight consisting of some hill repeats and a few 1600 and 800 repeats both uphill and downhill on the Capital Crescent Trail between mile 2 and 3.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Week 36
I finally got some good volume in this week--although partly accidental because I was not planning to double Saturday, but did anyway because Danny George wanted to run. No complaints there.
After my long run Tuesday I did ten on Friday evening involving a workout of sorts. I ran from the gym to Rock Creek cutting up to the Trolley trail at Grosvenor ending up at Georgetown Prep. On the way to Prep I did a few sections (1.2 miles, 0.8 miles, 0.55 miles) @ 40% which felt great. My guess is I was running around 5.40 pace but who knows.
At Prep I got on the track and did 2 sets of 4 x 200 (100j) just to get my legs moving. The reps felt quick, possibly in the 31-33 range. I then headed back to the gym and lifted.
As long as I continue hitting good miles and incorporating harder and harder workouts I think I'll be ready for racing once September hits.
Week 36: 68
August: 129
After my long run Tuesday I did ten on Friday evening involving a workout of sorts. I ran from the gym to Rock Creek cutting up to the Trolley trail at Grosvenor ending up at Georgetown Prep. On the way to Prep I did a few sections (1.2 miles, 0.8 miles, 0.55 miles) @ 40% which felt great. My guess is I was running around 5.40 pace but who knows.
At Prep I got on the track and did 2 sets of 4 x 200 (100j) just to get my legs moving. The reps felt quick, possibly in the 31-33 range. I then headed back to the gym and lifted.
As long as I continue hitting good miles and incorporating harder and harder workouts I think I'll be ready for racing once September hits.
Week 36: 68
August: 129
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I went on an interesting long run today. I meant to get up early to do 14 before it got hot...but one thing led to another and I only got started at 9:50. I was planning to begin at Fletcher's Boathouse and incorporate Glover-Archibold Park into my run at some point. Due to rush hour traffic I ended up just parking at Chain Bridge because it was just much easier.
I planned to run across the Bridge to the Canal but noticed the "Potomac Heritage Trail" which looked enticing. The marker showed four miles to Teddy Roosevelt Island which I've always wanted to run around so I decided to take the trail. Bad idea. It was basically not runable for the first three of the four miles which was very frustrating. I'd be surprised if I averaged faster than 8:30 or 9 minute pace on the first four miles of the run.
I got to TR Island and enjoyed a few different loops around the trails before taking a GU and some water at the fountain and continuing south on the Mt. Vernon trail. I eventually crossed over into D.C. on the Arlington Memorial Bridge. I made my way to Georgetown and took a break there, desperately in need of water as temperatures had reached the mid 90s by this point in the run.
I continued north on the Canal toward Chain Bridge and was finally able to get some water at Fletcher's 12.5 miles into the run. It was just a short jaunt from there and I was finally done.
It was definitely fun to do a cool new loop like this--although I was ill-prepared and not in the kind of shape I need to be in for long distance running. I've got some work to do in the next five weeks before my half marathon--bring it on!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Week 35
Finally got back to a somewhat normal training volume this week. Although I planned two workouts I didn't end up doing either of them, which is fine since I had a few awesome runs this week. Ran 12.5 on Sunday and other 8 on Tuesday with Danny from our apartment. There are some really great loops we can do from home which I plan to take advantage of quite a bit. This is definitely a good location for running.
At the RnJ group run on Wednesday I ran with Matt and a few others. It was a big positive split since some kid pulled us out fast--dropping into the 6:20s before we hit four miles, then turned around early. Today was the first group run, possibly ever, that a WJ runner or alum has not been in the top group at the end of the run. Vassar represent!
I ran with Sam on Friday during the few hours he was in town. We did a loop from my place and got in a good ten. Its always a pleasure to run with Mr. Epstein. On Saturday evening I ran on the Canal with Will and I got in about 9.5 with most of the run in the 6:50s. The pace felt a lot harder than it was on the way out (I was feeling a bit lightheaded and tired), but felt great on the way back when I relaxed a bit and just rolled.
I'm happy with this week's efforts, but need to incorporate a longer over-distance run and some more structured workouts. Only four weeks until the Kentlands 5k and five weeks until the Parks Half--gotta shape up quickly!
Week 35: 61
August: 61
At the RnJ group run on Wednesday I ran with Matt and a few others. It was a big positive split since some kid pulled us out fast--dropping into the 6:20s before we hit four miles, then turned around early. Today was the first group run, possibly ever, that a WJ runner or alum has not been in the top group at the end of the run. Vassar represent!
I ran with Sam on Friday during the few hours he was in town. We did a loop from my place and got in a good ten. Its always a pleasure to run with Mr. Epstein. On Saturday evening I ran on the Canal with Will and I got in about 9.5 with most of the run in the 6:50s. The pace felt a lot harder than it was on the way out (I was feeling a bit lightheaded and tired), but felt great on the way back when I relaxed a bit and just rolled.
I'm happy with this week's efforts, but need to incorporate a longer over-distance run and some more structured workouts. Only four weeks until the Kentlands 5k and five weeks until the Parks Half--gotta shape up quickly!
Week 35: 61
August: 61
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Week 34
What a week. Began with a run on Magnolia Road. Then got sick and took two days off. Then started to begin seriously training again. Had a great run with Jordan and Scott on Friday morning, then had an awesome solo run at Seneca Creek State Park on Saturday evening. While this week's mileage was the lowest in over seven months, I started to feel normal by the end of the week for the first time since early June.
Week 34: 37
July: 200
Week 34: 37
July: 200
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Boulder, Colorado

We made our way to Chatauqua Park on one of the days to find the Mesa trail which proved pretty terrible for running. It was especially difficult because we had to climb for over a mile before getting to the park only to continue uphill for the next half mile or more, all on pavement, before getting to the beginning of the Mesa trail. After all of five minutes on the actual trail, it was time to turn back.
We also checked out Potts field which was very underwhelming, although the track was mondo and in pristine condition.
The one run I did thoroughly enjoy despite its difficulty was six miles with Andrew and Danny George (!) on Magnolia road. At about 8500 feet this dirt road was a tough run with the hills but my god was it beautiful (see above). The trip was awesome, but I definitely expected more from the running.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Week 33
I was pretty beat after the Twilighter, even with the day off afterward. Got in a decent run on Wednesday with the running group, but even then I felt heavy and my stride felt labored. I think the heat and humidity, and then the altitude I was in for the second half of the week definitely played a part in how I felt.
Week 33: 44
July: 163
Week 33: 44
July: 163
Monday, July 19, 2010
Week 32 and Looking Ahead
This week was geared toward preparing for the Twilighter 8k. It seems as if I've been training race to race since my injury which isn't the best plan but necessary since I'm not fit right now. The week went well and I had a successful race. My mileage increased once again and I'm ready to ramp it up another notch in the coming weeks.
I won't be racing for a while. I have decided to begin a short, eight week cycle to prepare for the Parks Half Marathon in September and then take some time off from running before training for a spring season. I hope to get my mileage and long runs up to have a successful race at Parks, and I believe I will be fit by then if my training continues to improve. I'll most likely do the Kentlands-Lakelands 5k the week before Parks as a tune-up/final hard workout, but will not race otherwise. Bring it on!!
Week: 53
July: 119
I won't be racing for a while. I have decided to begin a short, eight week cycle to prepare for the Parks Half Marathon in September and then take some time off from running before training for a spring season. I hope to get my mileage and long runs up to have a successful race at Parks, and I believe I will be fit by then if my training continues to improve. I'll most likely do the Kentlands-Lakelands 5k the week before Parks as a tune-up/final hard workout, but will not race otherwise. Bring it on!!
Week: 53
July: 119
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Race Report: Rockville Twilighter 8k

Thursday, July 15, 2010
In an effort to get my legs used to running fast again before the Twilighter on Saturday, I ran hard on both Wednesday and Thursday evenings. I ran with Dan Dunbar on the Wednesday night run for 8 miles--easy for him, hammering for me. We hit 2 miles on the Rock Creek trail on the way out in 6:11 and 6:04 and probably had a good 5 or 5.5 miles at 6:00 to 6:15 pace during the run. I was beat by the end, especially in the weather.
Thursday I wore my Kinvaras and ran from the gym over to Georgetown Prep. I got on the track in the middle of my run and did 4 x 200 (100j), 2 x 150 (250j), 4 x 200 (100j) just to get my legs moving and shake out any fatigue from the day before. I was a bit tired the next morning but I got the desired effect of sharpening my legs a bit.
Thursday I wore my Kinvaras and ran from the gym over to Georgetown Prep. I got on the track in the middle of my run and did 4 x 200 (100j), 2 x 150 (250j), 4 x 200 (100j) just to get my legs moving and shake out any fatigue from the day before. I was a bit tired the next morning but I got the desired effect of sharpening my legs a bit.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Week 31
I'm definitely feeling healthy but I didn't kill it this week. Felt really good just about every day so I think what I'm doing is good. One more week until the Twilighter...I'm starting to get confident about it!
Week 30: 47
July: 66
Week 30: 47
July: 66
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Track Workouts
I've done two track workouts this week and a brisk 7 miler to try and snap myself back into shape quickly. Monday I did a very short workout in the middle of a 6 miler that consisted of 4 x 200 (100j), 2 x 250 (150j), 2 x 150 (250j), 4 x 200 (100j). I did the whole thing in Kinvaras which felt great. I was definitely rusty, but by the second 150 my legs were starting to respond and move quickly.
Wednesday evening I did the "New Trails" 7 mile out and back in Cabin John. Although I didn't time it I was definitely going sub 6:00 pace on some sections on the way back and probably PR'd for the run. I just felt amazing and it felt great to drop the pace as low as I did.
On Thursday evening I hit the track again for a longer (but still relatively short) workout. I did 4 x 200 (100j), 4 x 300 (100j), 4 x 300 (200j), 2 x 150 (250j), 4 x 200 (100j) focusing on the second set of 300s and the 150s. I timed that set of 300s and hit 52, 52, 45, 45. The first two were meant to be comfortably fast and the second two were supposed to be fast. The 150s afterward were awesome, I felt like I was flying. I wore track spikes for the first time in several months and it was a good idea. The rest of the workout was @ 40%--or comfortably fast but relatively easy.
I'm gonna keep the intensity up and the mileage reasonable, and hopefully I'll be able to pull it out at Twilighter. Its just over a week away and I'm pumped!
Wednesday evening I did the "New Trails" 7 mile out and back in Cabin John. Although I didn't time it I was definitely going sub 6:00 pace on some sections on the way back and probably PR'd for the run. I just felt amazing and it felt great to drop the pace as low as I did.
On Thursday evening I hit the track again for a longer (but still relatively short) workout. I did 4 x 200 (100j), 4 x 300 (100j), 4 x 300 (200j), 2 x 150 (250j), 4 x 200 (100j) focusing on the second set of 300s and the 150s. I timed that set of 300s and hit 52, 52, 45, 45. The first two were meant to be comfortably fast and the second two were supposed to be fast. The 150s afterward were awesome, I felt like I was flying. I wore track spikes for the first time in several months and it was a good idea. The rest of the workout was @ 40%--or comfortably fast but relatively easy.
I'm gonna keep the intensity up and the mileage reasonable, and hopefully I'll be able to pull it out at Twilighter. Its just over a week away and I'm pumped!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Week 30

Week 30: 40
June: 215
July: 19
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Week 29
With a new pair of shoes and a bit of time off, I think my IT band issue is finally starting to get under control. I'll be away all next week and the plan is to be ready to run at full volume and intensity when I get back. I'll do what I can do and try to make sure the IT band is improving day-to-day.
Week 29: 40
June: 194
Week 29: 40
June: 194
Race Report: Spirit of Gettysburg 5k
Despite my injury I decided to run the Gettysburg 5k since I'd already paid the entry fee and because its an awesome race. I decided to get out hard and just see what happened since I know my fitness isn't what it was a few weeks ago.
I went out with the leaders for a bit but let them go. Good thing as from what I could see they went out in 4:40-4:45. I hit the mile in 5:11 and immediately started to feel a bit tired. I shuffled through mile two while watching the front pack implode and string out ahead of me. After hitting 5:33 for my second mile I decided to pick it up (I still wanted to break 17 at the very least...) although I had already thrown in the towel for the most part.
During the third mile I remembered that I've still got some fitness and picked it up, passing someone with about 800 to go. I didn't kick it in but kept a strong pace through the finish. I ran 6:02 for the last 1.1 (~5:29 pace). I ran like crap (as expected) but had a really great time--this race has a refreshing atmosphere compared to those in the D.C. area. Time to get this injury under control and start running well again!
Results: http://runhigh.com/2010RESULTS/R062610AB.HTML
I went out with the leaders for a bit but let them go. Good thing as from what I could see they went out in 4:40-4:45. I hit the mile in 5:11 and immediately started to feel a bit tired. I shuffled through mile two while watching the front pack implode and string out ahead of me. After hitting 5:33 for my second mile I decided to pick it up (I still wanted to break 17 at the very least...) although I had already thrown in the towel for the most part.
During the third mile I remembered that I've still got some fitness and picked it up, passing someone with about 800 to go. I didn't kick it in but kept a strong pace through the finish. I ran 6:02 for the last 1.1 (~5:29 pace). I ran like crap (as expected) but had a really great time--this race has a refreshing atmosphere compared to those in the D.C. area. Time to get this injury under control and start running well again!
Results: http://runhigh.com/2010RESULTS/R062610AB.HTML
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Back on (the) Track?
I got my new shoes yesterday, which have really helped with my IT band issue. Its funny, I had a similar problem with my IT band relating to footwear around this time last year. I ventured to the Georgetown Prep track this morning to try and get in some quicker stuff. I've registered for a race Saturday and would ideally like to run it (and PR), so I needed to get something quick in to wake up my legs, but also see how my IT band would react to faster running.
I did 4 x 200 (100j), 3 x 250 (150j), 1000 (200j), 4 x 200 (100j). Very short, but meant to introduce some speed as well as attempt at least one of the longer intervals I had originally planned for today. The workout went well, I ran in very hot weather so I was pretty wiped by the end. I negative split the 1000 in 3:00 (73, 72, 35) and although it was tough, it felt a lot more comfortable than I thought it would. The IT band felt a lot better today--and I think some faster running helped loosen it up.
I did 4 x 200 (100j), 3 x 250 (150j), 1000 (200j), 4 x 200 (100j). Very short, but meant to introduce some speed as well as attempt at least one of the longer intervals I had originally planned for today. The workout went well, I ran in very hot weather so I was pretty wiped by the end. I negative split the 1000 in 3:00 (73, 72, 35) and although it was tough, it felt a lot more comfortable than I thought it would. The IT band felt a lot better today--and I think some faster running helped loosen it up.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Week 28
Took a bit of time off for the IT band so only five days of running. Priority is being able to run and do workouts with minimal pain. If I can't do that, I'm not running. Next week will be experimental!
Week 28: 47
June: 154
Week 28: 47
June: 154
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I've had a pretty obnoxious IT band issue for the last two or three weeks. I've been able to run through it, but doing workouts where I'm stopping and starting...thus any interval workout is pretty painful. While cutting out this type of training along with all strides has helped the IT band improve a bit, I've been feeling sluggish and slow recently because of the change.
Sunday I went long with Sam, Chris, Matt, and Roni. We hit up Old Angler's Inn for 3.5 in the trails and the rest on the Canal. I was planning to hit 14, but everyone except Chris only wanted 10 and my IT was not feeling great. We bumped the pace down to 6:25s for the last few miles which should feel pretty moderate but I was hurting. The combination of the intense heat and humidity along with a bit of a limp left me feeling pretty crappy by the end of the run, but it was a good effort nonetheless. I ended up getting in 12.
Today, while needing a speed workout but not wanting to exacerbate my leg, I opted for a hard 10. I definitely felt sluggish and getting my legs to turn over faster than 6:00 pace was tougher than it should have been. While I wasn't getting tired, it was more a matter of keeping up the turnover and cadence that was difficult. I finally got moving during the fifth mile and ran the last six in 34:29. I completed the full ten in 59:14--not at all a bad effort for how "off" I was feeling at those paces.
Sunday I went long with Sam, Chris, Matt, and Roni. We hit up Old Angler's Inn for 3.5 in the trails and the rest on the Canal. I was planning to hit 14, but everyone except Chris only wanted 10 and my IT was not feeling great. We bumped the pace down to 6:25s for the last few miles which should feel pretty moderate but I was hurting. The combination of the intense heat and humidity along with a bit of a limp left me feeling pretty crappy by the end of the run, but it was a good effort nonetheless. I ended up getting in 12.
Today, while needing a speed workout but not wanting to exacerbate my leg, I opted for a hard 10. I definitely felt sluggish and getting my legs to turn over faster than 6:00 pace was tougher than it should have been. While I wasn't getting tired, it was more a matter of keeping up the turnover and cadence that was difficult. I finally got moving during the fifth mile and ran the last six in 34:29. I completed the full ten in 59:14--not at all a bad effort for how "off" I was feeling at those paces.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Week 27

I did a workout on the Gaithersburg XC course on Tuesday night which involved a lot of stopping and starting which did not make my already tender right leg very happy. My IT band and lots of related tendons and muscles in that leg along with my knee were killing me by Friday. Luckily I felt nothing during the race--but it has not been pleasant. I need to get that under control.
I've also gotta get back on the lifting. I haven't really lifted in two or three weeks, which I think has contributed to my injury as I do a lot of flexibility stuff in the gym. Thats all gotta change next week.
After a very up and down week, I had a great run on Saturday night from Seneca Creek State Park north on the Greenway. It was gorgeous and I picked up the pace to 6:40ish for a bit in the last 1.5 miles which is probably 6 flat effort or faster on that trail. I felt awesome. Afterward, I went to Wing Stop which always hits the spot. Five piece Cajun boneless combo BAM. Just a great night of running and eating.
Week 27: 65
June: 107
Friday, June 11, 2010
Race Report: Gaithersburg XC 5k

This section of the course is run along a paved path for about 1200 meters, and normally runners are expected to stick to the grass when possible, especially during one section about 2k into the race. The markings today, however, suggested that we stick to the pavement and since thats what Alex did ahead of me I followed suit. It was at this point that Mark Hoon, from about 30 yards behind, decided to yell at me to "be a man" and run on the grass. I have no problem running on grass, but I like to follow the marked course so thats what I did--with no shame or regret.
As we moved through the second mile of the course, I was running well but was not as close to Alex as I would have liked. I knew I could probably win the race if it came down to a kick but I wasn't close enough. I made several surged to try and make up ground but he wasn't backing down--if I made up distance he would somehow always pull ahead again. I never got close enough to contend.
That being said I really pushed it this week. I feel as if I ran a much better race than last week, staying strong throughout and never really "settling" into a pace despite being alone for about 75% of the race. I finished in 2nd at 17:17--a 5 second PR for the course and a great time for the sunny, hot weather. I'd have ideally liked to dip under 17 but I think I've still got a bit of work to do be where I wanted to be at this point.
First picture: the pack during the first mile just before it broke apart
Second picture: @ 2 miles
Third picture: running solo with about 800 to go
Fourth picture: kicking it in on the track
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100611Gaihersburg-XC-5K.htm
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Race Report: Capital Crescent 5k
Today was my first serious race in over a month. I ran well, but the rust definitely showed. I knew there would be some competitive runners in the field but I felt confident that I had a shot at winning the race and running a PR today.
I decided to run a conservative first mile, especially since I didn't want to go out of control as it was all downhill on the way out. A pack of four jumped out ahead and I sat in the second pack until right after the mile. The first pack consisted of Mat Abernathy and Peter Novick (two old faces from the Golf Course days), a PR runner, and surprisingly, a 27 year old woman. I hit the mile in 5:08 and immediately picked it up on the bridge over River Road, where I passed Novick (this was the last time I'd see him). Steps later I caught and passed the woman, although she latched onto me and had no intention of dropping.
Hitting the sharp turnaround on the trail I could see she was right on my ass, and saw there were others close behind. I stayed in third behind Abernathy and the PR runner (who had a sizeable 15 second lead at this point) for the next half mile--but knew the woman was only one or two steps behind. I hit two miles in 10:33 (5:25 for the second mile) which I thought was pretty spot-on due to the nature of the course.
Soon after I was passed by none other than Jordan Snyder who immediately gaped me by a good ten meters. I knew with the uphill nature of the second half that I needed to be working harder. I didn't have enough to surge to catch him, but I did pick up the pace enough the stay an even distance behind him for the entire third mile. This was heavily aided by the first woman, who pulled even and attempted to pass me with about 1000-800 to go. I surged and dropped her. She pulled even again and got a step on me. Hell no. I looked up at Jordan and focused on moving up on him. The woman faded a bit and I hit three miles in 16:10 (5:36 eek).
I was hurting, but could feel that I was dragging and moving too slowly. I feel like I basically resigned myself to stay steady during the third mile rather than making a big move. Safe and possibly smart, but not the edge I had at Pike's Peek. Thats ok for my first race back, but to run faster I need to make those moves. I obviously had something left as I got my legs turning over and hit 28 seconds from the third mile mark to the finish. I passed Jordan with about 100 meters to go and rolled it in. 16:38, four seconds off my PR, and a third place finish. Not too shabby, but I think a big PR is within reach.
Got in a great seven mile cooldown with a bunch of MCRRC guys and Sam. Big shout out to Sam who got up early to meet me at 7 am for a warmup and trekked out to the mile mark to cheer me on. Great morning, lots of fun, good race. Can't complain, but ready to ramp it up a notch next time.
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100606CapitalCrescent5km.htm
I decided to run a conservative first mile, especially since I didn't want to go out of control as it was all downhill on the way out. A pack of four jumped out ahead and I sat in the second pack until right after the mile. The first pack consisted of Mat Abernathy and Peter Novick (two old faces from the Golf Course days), a PR runner, and surprisingly, a 27 year old woman. I hit the mile in 5:08 and immediately picked it up on the bridge over River Road, where I passed Novick (this was the last time I'd see him). Steps later I caught and passed the woman, although she latched onto me and had no intention of dropping.
Hitting the sharp turnaround on the trail I could see she was right on my ass, and saw there were others close behind. I stayed in third behind Abernathy and the PR runner (who had a sizeable 15 second lead at this point) for the next half mile--but knew the woman was only one or two steps behind. I hit two miles in 10:33 (5:25 for the second mile) which I thought was pretty spot-on due to the nature of the course.
Soon after I was passed by none other than Jordan Snyder who immediately gaped me by a good ten meters. I knew with the uphill nature of the second half that I needed to be working harder. I didn't have enough to surge to catch him, but I did pick up the pace enough the stay an even distance behind him for the entire third mile. This was heavily aided by the first woman, who pulled even and attempted to pass me with about 1000-800 to go. I surged and dropped her. She pulled even again and got a step on me. Hell no. I looked up at Jordan and focused on moving up on him. The woman faded a bit and I hit three miles in 16:10 (5:36 eek).
I was hurting, but could feel that I was dragging and moving too slowly. I feel like I basically resigned myself to stay steady during the third mile rather than making a big move. Safe and possibly smart, but not the edge I had at Pike's Peek. Thats ok for my first race back, but to run faster I need to make those moves. I obviously had something left as I got my legs turning over and hit 28 seconds from the third mile mark to the finish. I passed Jordan with about 100 meters to go and rolled it in. 16:38, four seconds off my PR, and a third place finish. Not too shabby, but I think a big PR is within reach.
Got in a great seven mile cooldown with a bunch of MCRRC guys and Sam. Big shout out to Sam who got up early to meet me at 7 am for a warmup and trekked out to the mile mark to cheer me on. Great morning, lots of fun, good race. Can't complain, but ready to ramp it up a notch next time.
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100606CapitalCrescent5km.htm
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Week 26
HOT WEEK! But its all good. Definitely took it easier near the end of the week with the exception of a very unpleasant track workout Thursday morning. Did a bunch of 300s and 250s and I'm sure they were very slow--but I tried hard and actually finished the workout (first time this week!).
Ran with Sam on Saturday morning in Cabin John--it was great to run with him again. Bringin' back Summer '07 and '08! Went to Landon in the evening and watched a rabbited time trial 1600 involving Chris Moen, Kyle Gaffney, and Andrew Palmer which was a lot of fun to watch. Lots of running going on--its an exciting time of year!
Week 26: 68
May: 309
June: 42
Ran with Sam on Saturday morning in Cabin John--it was great to run with him again. Bringin' back Summer '07 and '08! Went to Landon in the evening and watched a rabbited time trial 1600 involving Chris Moen, Kyle Gaffney, and Andrew Palmer which was a lot of fun to watch. Lots of running going on--its an exciting time of year!
Week 26: 68
May: 309
June: 42
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Thwarted by the Heat
I'm racing next weekend so this week it will be important to make sure I'm getting proper rest and recovery. The heat and humidity have been pretty unbearable--so I've had to cut both hard sessions thus far this week a bit short. I know I'm in great shape so I'm not worried about getting in hard work so much as making sure I'm fresh for this weekend's race.
Sunday I set out for 16, my longest run since doing 20 with Anthony in September of 2008. After an easy to moderate first five miles I planned for the next nine to be at 40%. I got through seven in 41:08 after some poorly paced sections and decided to jog it home from there--my legs had just about had it. Still not a bad run, and I felt great afterward.
This morning I went to Towers for a very easy and relaxed workout. With the heat and running an unexpected ten miler yesterday, I wanted to keep my legs fresh with some faster running without tiring out my body any further. I did 2 x 1.5 miles @ 40% and that was it. I had planned to do some 400s slightly faster after that but the heat was getting to me so I just cooled down and called it a day. Thursday will be on the track so I'll get in some faster running then--no need to kill it today.
Sunday I set out for 16, my longest run since doing 20 with Anthony in September of 2008. After an easy to moderate first five miles I planned for the next nine to be at 40%. I got through seven in 41:08 after some poorly paced sections and decided to jog it home from there--my legs had just about had it. Still not a bad run, and I felt great afterward.
This morning I went to Towers for a very easy and relaxed workout. With the heat and running an unexpected ten miler yesterday, I wanted to keep my legs fresh with some faster running without tiring out my body any further. I did 2 x 1.5 miles @ 40% and that was it. I had planned to do some 400s slightly faster after that but the heat was getting to me so I just cooled down and called it a day. Thursday will be on the track so I'll get in some faster running then--no need to kill it today.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Week 25
Good week, but I'm tired. I'm right on the edge of doing a bit too much, but this four week block of training should be my hardest until late July/early August. In the last few days I've developed some aches and pains, and at this point I'm choosing to ignore them. I've got one more hard week and then I'll be focusing on a few races for the next couple weeks, which will mean a dip in the mileage and fewer workouts. I'm almost there and in great shape--nothing to worry about.
I wanted to lift tonight but due to this being a holiday weekend the gym was closed when I got there after my evening run. So...I went home and did a little strength workout of sorts. I did the push up challenge in 2:00 which is a PR! So pumped.
Week 24: 75
May: 283
I wanted to lift tonight but due to this being a holiday weekend the gym was closed when I got there after my evening run. So...I went home and did a little strength workout of sorts. I did the push up challenge in 2:00 which is a PR! So pumped.
Week 24: 75
May: 283
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday I headed back to TOWERS for another long interval workout. The workout was two sets of 800, 1600, 800 with the first two intervals @ 40% and the last 800 @ 60%. I did an 800 meter jog in between each rep. I felt good, but not great--I've never been good in the sun and this morning was especially hot and sunny. I did my best and toughed it out although no idea on actual paces as I didn't wear a watch (probably for the best).
Thursday evening I ran to Georgetown Prep from work for a track workout. I did 4 x 200 (100j), 4 x [400 (200j), 300 (150j), 150 (400j)], 4 x 200 (100j) with each set getting progressively faster and faster. I timed the last set and came through in 62, 44, 20. I was really surprised with the 62, it felt slow and relaxed--more like a 68-70 than a 62. Hitting the 300 in 44 felt a lot tougher.
I was pretty pleased with both workouts because I got a chance to run both in hot and humid weather which I need to get used to. Not relying on the watch has helped a lot too--splits are often much slower as the temperature goes up and I'd rather not be discouraged with a slow workout if the heat rather than my fitness is to blame.
Thursday evening I ran to Georgetown Prep from work for a track workout. I did 4 x 200 (100j), 4 x [400 (200j), 300 (150j), 150 (400j)], 4 x 200 (100j) with each set getting progressively faster and faster. I timed the last set and came through in 62, 44, 20. I was really surprised with the 62, it felt slow and relaxed--more like a 68-70 than a 62. Hitting the 300 in 44 felt a lot tougher.
I was pretty pleased with both workouts because I got a chance to run both in hot and humid weather which I need to get used to. Not relying on the watch has helped a lot too--splits are often much slower as the temperature goes up and I'd rather not be discouraged with a slow workout if the heat rather than my fitness is to blame.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Race Report?

The course was very difficult, and the weather made it much worse as it made the non-paved sections of the course muddy and the paved sections slick and slippery. With a lot of turns and short, steep hills, it was no walk in the park.
The first mile felt very relaxed and in control, and early in the second mile the eventual winner took off. I couldn't stick with him, and ran with/close behind Jordan Snyder and Jon Torrance for much of the rest of the race. I fell off them for a bit in the third mile but crept up and after hitting the third mile mark I made my move. I caught Torrance and blew past him with about 100 to go but didn't have enough to catch Jordan who edged me out for second. We finished with the same time.
It was a fun outing, and definitely turned into a race effort. I'm really glad I came out and ran it, and made some money in the process. I ended up getting in 14 for the day--I did a cooldown with Jordan after the race, and then decided to do another one on the park's trails (on which I had never run on before but were awesome) after the awards ceremony. I was pretty beat when all was said and done.
Results: http://www.mcrrc.org/racing/2010/20100523RunForTheAnimals5km.htm
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Week 24
Coming off the high from last week and Sunday's long run, fatigue began to set in mid-week. Tuesday night I did 8 x 1k @ 40% with 60 seconds rest on the road 1k loop I used in the winter from my house. I felt great that night but was completely exhausted the next day. I think this was probably a combination of the mileage, taking the workout a bit harder than I should have, and my work schedule. I am at the end of two consecutive 60 hour work weeks and haven't had a day off since Saturday, May 8th. I am really looking forward to next Tuesday which will be a much needed day off from work.
After taking it a bit easier the next few days I headed to the track Friday morning for a workout. I did 4 x 200 (100j), 8 x 250 (150j), 4 x 200 (200j), 2 x 150 (250j), 4 x 200 (100j). There were some varying paces during the workout but the focus was the second set of 200s and the 150s. I felt pretty good although still a bit sore from lifting Wednesday night. The focus in the coming weeks is to get in the hard work but find a balance that will allow me to recover a bit better than I did this week.
Week 24: 72
May: 208
After taking it a bit easier the next few days I headed to the track Friday morning for a workout. I did 4 x 200 (100j), 8 x 250 (150j), 4 x 200 (200j), 2 x 150 (250j), 4 x 200 (100j). There were some varying paces during the workout but the focus was the second set of 200s and the 150s. I felt pretty good although still a bit sore from lifting Wednesday night. The focus in the coming weeks is to get in the hard work but find a balance that will allow me to recover a bit better than I did this week.
Week 24: 72
May: 208
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Fitness Confirmed

After running my first of the faster miles in sub 5:50 at what felt like a fast jog, I knew today was going to be a good day. All in all, I ran the 7 in 39:10 (5:35/mi) with splits of: 5:47, 5:42 (11:29), 5:39 (17:08), 5:33 (22:41), 5:32 (28:13), 5:29 (33:42), 5:28 (39:10).
I'd say this was much easier than the 12 I did at 6 minute pace a month ago, even though the last 10 miles of this run were a respectable 59:04. I was definitely pushing the pace and working hard, but I felt strong and in control the entire time. The pace never felt all-out and remained aerobic throughout.
To put this run in perspective: my last five miles were 27:41 which is faster than all but three of my 8k race times in college, and only 11 seconds slower than the 8k I ran in March. My last six miles were 33:23, only 18 seconds slower than I came through six miles at the Pike's Peek 10k. I'm definitely improving--but more importantly this shows that I have the ability to race faster. I'm excited to see what I can accomplish this summer!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Week 23 and Running on Effort and Feel
Going into this week, all I had planned was my two workouts and a fourteen mile long run. I had no mileage totals or effort levels in mind. The result was one of my most successful weeks in terms of intensity and my highest mileage since 2008.
My goal for the next few weeks before I begin racing again is to do everything by feel. I believe this will allow me to run appropriately hard when my body is able to and recover when my body needs it. I think I've accomplished that this week--and look to keep that going in the next few weeks.
I will be running all of my workouts based on a rough percentage of total effort. In general, 20% is an "easy" pace, 40% is a tempo-ish, or completely aerobic but hard pace, 60% is fast, but not all out (maybe similar to 5k, V02, or mile pace based on the length of the interval), and 80% is very fast, all-out in a workout. 100% would be race pace for a shorter distance, such as a 400 or 800. Obviously the speed will change based on how long I will need to hold the pace--for example 40% might be 35-37 seconds for a 200 but 5:45-6:15 pace for a long run.
I hope to do all of my workouts without a watch (with the exception of small sections to check progress) before I next race to see how my body responds to running on effort.
Week 23: 75
May: 136
My goal for the next few weeks before I begin racing again is to do everything by feel. I believe this will allow me to run appropriately hard when my body is able to and recover when my body needs it. I think I've accomplished that this week--and look to keep that going in the next few weeks.
I will be running all of my workouts based on a rough percentage of total effort. In general, 20% is an "easy" pace, 40% is a tempo-ish, or completely aerobic but hard pace, 60% is fast, but not all out (maybe similar to 5k, V02, or mile pace based on the length of the interval), and 80% is very fast, all-out in a workout. 100% would be race pace for a shorter distance, such as a 400 or 800. Obviously the speed will change based on how long I will need to hold the pace--for example 40% might be 35-37 seconds for a 200 but 5:45-6:15 pace for a long run.
I hope to do all of my workouts without a watch (with the exception of small sections to check progress) before I next race to see how my body responds to running on effort.
Week 23: 75
May: 136
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hard Work
At B-CC tonight: 4 x 200 @ 40% (100j), 6 x 300 [2 x 2 @ 40%, 1 @ 60%] (100j), 4 x 300 [2 @ 60%, 2 @ 75-80%] (200j), 2 x 150 @ 85+% (250j), 4 x 200 @ 40% (100j).
Followed by a 3 mile cooldown @ 30-40% per Andrew's suggestion.
Those numbers and letters above kinda look like a crazy jumble of bullshit at first glance. The number of sets, pace changes, and varying interval and rest lengths may seem a bit confusing/unnecessary, but I much prefer doing this type of workout to something simple, boring, and monotonous (like, say, 20 x 200).
I wanted to set myself up to run well on the second set of 300s, which was the focus of the workout. I timed these 4 reps and nothing else, hitting 49, 48, 44, 45. I definitely maxed out on these 300s and the 150s afterward--the last 300 I was barely able to keep it together on the last straightaway. I hope to replicate that feeling in future workouts--to get faster I've gotta challenge my limits.
Afterward I set out to try a short-ish version the faster cooldown Andrew suggested--and I was pretty surprised at what I was capable of after such an exhausting workout. I ran to the Crescent Trail and did an out and back--timing a half mile on the way out (downhill) @ ~2:50-2:52 and a half mile on the way back (uphill) @ 2:57. I couldn't believe it--I felt like I was maybe going 6:20 pace, it felt fast but very comfortable. To and from the trail (maybe 600 meters each way) was a bit slower, so the ~3 miles ended up being around 18:30.
Followed by a 3 mile cooldown @ 30-40% per Andrew's suggestion.
Those numbers and letters above kinda look like a crazy jumble of bullshit at first glance. The number of sets, pace changes, and varying interval and rest lengths may seem a bit confusing/unnecessary, but I much prefer doing this type of workout to something simple, boring, and monotonous (like, say, 20 x 200).
I wanted to set myself up to run well on the second set of 300s, which was the focus of the workout. I timed these 4 reps and nothing else, hitting 49, 48, 44, 45. I definitely maxed out on these 300s and the 150s afterward--the last 300 I was barely able to keep it together on the last straightaway. I hope to replicate that feeling in future workouts--to get faster I've gotta challenge my limits.
Afterward I set out to try a short-ish version the faster cooldown Andrew suggested--and I was pretty surprised at what I was capable of after such an exhausting workout. I ran to the Crescent Trail and did an out and back--timing a half mile on the way out (downhill) @ ~2:50-2:52 and a half mile on the way back (uphill) @ 2:57. I couldn't believe it--I felt like I was maybe going 6:20 pace, it felt fast but very comfortable. To and from the trail (maybe 600 meters each way) was a bit slower, so the ~3 miles ended up being around 18:30.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Back Pain, Cold Weather, and THE TOWERS

Each day this week has been pretty cold--I've been running in temperatures between 45 and 50 degrees. While I'd prefer it to be about 10 degrees warmer, I'm not complaining as this is the best weather I'm gonna get for the next few months.
I traveled to the Towers this morning to try out a new type of workout. I successfully measured an exact 2k loop around the perimeter of the field so that I can now run continuous loops with accurately measured 200 meter marks for as long as I so desire. This allows me to have an exact measure on how much I've run and do intervals of any specified distance on grass without wearing a watch. I think I'm gonna go ahead and run here a lot now. Today I did 800 (40%), 800 easy, 800 (60%), 800 easy, 1600 (40%), 800 easy, 800 (60%), 800 easy, 800 (60%) and it went quite well. I pushed myself and felt great afterward--I'm definitely fit.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Week 22

After working a 5k in Reston Town Center on Saturday I ventured to the W & OD trail of Virginia fame. It was somewhat of a letdown, the scenery was pretty boring (see above) and it was all out in the open sun. I ran very slow--my first true recovery day since early in the week. Definitely necessary.
Week 22: 52
May: 61
Thursday, May 6, 2010
"Rest" Week
So this week was supposed to be pretty low-key in order to recover a bit from the last few weeks and to prepare myself for the hard training ahead. Sunday and Monday were very easy and I took Tuesday off. Wednesday and Thursday, however, have been intense. Good--but exhausting. Wednesday night I ran at Old Angler's Inn with the last 5.5 or so on the Canal at no slower than 6:15 pace, dipping down to 5:45 for a mile near the end. I felt like I was floating--it was pretty effortless running.
After getting in a relaxed 8 this morning, I did 6 more at the RnJ group run this evening, where another runner and I ran the last 1.5 or so at what felt like low 6 minute pace effort. I definitely felt awesome--but after losing my Swirl virginity at Rio Grande with Josh after the run, I was pretty damn tired. Despite my fatigue, I'm looking to get in something fast on the track tomorrow evening and go long on Sunday.
One other note: I have once again begun to log on Flotrack in addition to this blog, which is linked on the right hand side of my page. I have also filled in the last few months that were previously blank (which took quite a while...).
After getting in a relaxed 8 this morning, I did 6 more at the RnJ group run this evening, where another runner and I ran the last 1.5 or so at what felt like low 6 minute pace effort. I definitely felt awesome--but after losing my Swirl virginity at Rio Grande with Josh after the run, I was pretty damn tired. Despite my fatigue, I'm looking to get in something fast on the track tomorrow evening and go long on Sunday.
One other note: I have once again begun to log on Flotrack in addition to this blog, which is linked on the right hand side of my page. I have also filled in the last few months that were previously blank (which took quite a while...).
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Week 21 and Plans for the Future
This was the last week of my "spring season" ending with the annual alumni race at Vassar. The week (other than the race) was very successful, I felt good and got in a great workout on Wednesday morning mixing track and cross country surfaces at Landon. This next week will be a "down" week in terms of both mileage and intensity, but after that I'll be ramping it back up to prepare for an exciting summer racing schedule.
Week 21: 61
April: 288
May: 9
Season FINAL: 1211
Week 21: 61
April: 288
May: 9
Season FINAL: 1211
Race Report: Founder's Day Fun Run and Alumni Challenge 3M

Results: http://www.runvassar.com/foundersdayfunrun.htm
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Race Report: Pike's Peek 10k
The good news from today: I have the desire to race again. I've got that fire, that edge, whatever you wanna call it. I haven't had it in a race over 400 meters since VCI my junior year, which was September 5, 2007. That feeling of strength and invincibility leading up to and during a race is an essential piece that I've been missing--and now its back.
I had no nervous thoughts as I came to the line. Seeing all of the fast runners that were sure to finish minutes ahead of me pumped me up rather than discouraging me. When the gun went off I knew I was running faster than the prescribed 5:29/mile but I didn't care. It felt good and I know that I'm fit enough to go out a little fast and not suffer. When I crossed the first mile in 5:22, which felt like a jog, I wanted to yell. I wanted to let out all of the adrenaline that I had in me. I was fearless. But instead, I waited patiently and kept on rolling.
In the second mile I began to run with MCRRC guy Dave Haaga. I went back and forth with him at the St. Patrick's Day 8k and we worked off each other well for the second and third miles of this race. A few others joined our pack along the way. I went through mile 2 in 5:27 (10:49) and mile 3 in 5:31 (16:21). At this point we had a group of about 5 or 6 guys. We hit 5k in 16:56, and this is where I started to lose focus a bit, right on the hill after Wootton Parkway. I fell off and ran solo, trying to catch back up, for the next two miles. These were by far the toughest of the race, but I dug in and chipped away slowly. I ran a 5:33 (21:55) followed by a 5:35 (27:31). I caught them right as we hit five miles--the race was on.
The pack had added a few stragglers that had fallen back, and we chugged along with different guys cycling through and pushing the pace almost constantly. I am a bit disappointed with this mile--I think I should have pushed harder and gone earlier. Two guys took off with about half a mile to go, but I just couldn't switch gears. I needed to move with them. I now fully understand Jo's comment about it being hard to switch gears and kick in a 10k because its such a rhythm race. If I did something right today--it was sticking on a fairly even pace. If I did anything wrong it was my inability to switch gears and cover big moves, both at 5k and 9k.
With that said, I hit 6 miles in 5:34 (33:05) but just didn't have enough left to make a bid for sub-34. But I got close. I ran the last 0.2 miles in 57 seconds and finished up at 34:02 (5:29/mi) which I really can't be upset with as I PR'd by 2:01 (although my former PR is nothing short of laughable). But--I know there will be faster times in my future. This is just the beginning.
Hopefully I'll get some photos soon. Race results (that finish at the front must have been quite something): http://www.pikespeek10k.com/results/10pp10k-m.htm
I had no nervous thoughts as I came to the line. Seeing all of the fast runners that were sure to finish minutes ahead of me pumped me up rather than discouraging me. When the gun went off I knew I was running faster than the prescribed 5:29/mile but I didn't care. It felt good and I know that I'm fit enough to go out a little fast and not suffer. When I crossed the first mile in 5:22, which felt like a jog, I wanted to yell. I wanted to let out all of the adrenaline that I had in me. I was fearless. But instead, I waited patiently and kept on rolling.
In the second mile I began to run with MCRRC guy Dave Haaga. I went back and forth with him at the St. Patrick's Day 8k and we worked off each other well for the second and third miles of this race. A few others joined our pack along the way. I went through mile 2 in 5:27 (10:49) and mile 3 in 5:31 (16:21). At this point we had a group of about 5 or 6 guys. We hit 5k in 16:56, and this is where I started to lose focus a bit, right on the hill after Wootton Parkway. I fell off and ran solo, trying to catch back up, for the next two miles. These were by far the toughest of the race, but I dug in and chipped away slowly. I ran a 5:33 (21:55) followed by a 5:35 (27:31). I caught them right as we hit five miles--the race was on.
The pack had added a few stragglers that had fallen back, and we chugged along with different guys cycling through and pushing the pace almost constantly. I am a bit disappointed with this mile--I think I should have pushed harder and gone earlier. Two guys took off with about half a mile to go, but I just couldn't switch gears. I needed to move with them. I now fully understand Jo's comment about it being hard to switch gears and kick in a 10k because its such a rhythm race. If I did something right today--it was sticking on a fairly even pace. If I did anything wrong it was my inability to switch gears and cover big moves, both at 5k and 9k.
With that said, I hit 6 miles in 5:34 (33:05) but just didn't have enough left to make a bid for sub-34. But I got close. I ran the last 0.2 miles in 57 seconds and finished up at 34:02 (5:29/mi) which I really can't be upset with as I PR'd by 2:01 (although my former PR is nothing short of laughable). But--I know there will be faster times in my future. This is just the beginning.
Hopefully I'll get some photos soon. Race results (that finish at the front must have been quite something): http://www.pikespeek10k.com/results/10pp10k-m.htm
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Week 20 and Penn Relays

Today I did a short shakeout run on another beautiful section of the Greenway, running from Riffle Ford Road to Rt. 118 and back. I've now covered roughly 11.5 miles of the trail, but still have a lot to go!
Pumped for tomorrow--hopefully the weather will cooperate but either way it will be an epic race.
Week 20: 66
April: 236
Season: 1150
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Pike's Peek Preparations
This week is all about gearing up for Pike's Peek. On Monday morning I set out for 12, and hit the track at around 7.5 miles into the run. I did 4800 meters on the track cutting down to just below goal 10k pace for this weekend (5:29/mile or sub 34:00). I ran 16:53 going 5:48, 5:39, 5:26. I felt pretty good on the run but was definitely having a tough time making the last mile feel smooth.
For one of my runs on Tuesday I drove out to Seneca and hit up a section of the Greenway I've never done before and it was amazing. I plan to run this entire trail in pieces over the next few months--it just feels great to be running on such a gorgeous, well-maintained trail out in the wilderness with no distractions.
After shaking out on Wednesday morning I headed back to Georgetown Prep for a workout in the evening. This was supposed to be a "feel good" workout where I could run fast but also touch on 10k goal pace without suffering too much overall fatigue. I did 4 x 200 w/ 100 jog followed by a fast 1600, then four 800s with #1 and #3 fast and #2 and #4 at 10k GP, finishing with a faster 4 x 200 w/ 200 jog. None of the 200s were timed, and otherwise I hit: 4:54 (73, 74, 74, 73), 2:27 (73, 74), 2:43 (84, 79), 2:20 (70, 70), 2:44 (83, 81). The faster stuff felt amazing, I had a lot to put out there and could definitely have done more at that pace. On the 1600 my first and last 200 were 36 and everything else was 37--I was rolling nicely at that pace. Hitting paces on the slower reps proved very difficult, but I was able to end up close to my goal pace of 2:44.5 so it wasn't a total loss.
For one of my runs on Tuesday I drove out to Seneca and hit up a section of the Greenway I've never done before and it was amazing. I plan to run this entire trail in pieces over the next few months--it just feels great to be running on such a gorgeous, well-maintained trail out in the wilderness with no distractions.
After shaking out on Wednesday morning I headed back to Georgetown Prep for a workout in the evening. This was supposed to be a "feel good" workout where I could run fast but also touch on 10k goal pace without suffering too much overall fatigue. I did 4 x 200 w/ 100 jog followed by a fast 1600, then four 800s with #1 and #3 fast and #2 and #4 at 10k GP, finishing with a faster 4 x 200 w/ 200 jog. None of the 200s were timed, and otherwise I hit: 4:54 (73, 74, 74, 73), 2:27 (73, 74), 2:43 (84, 79), 2:20 (70, 70), 2:44 (83, 81). The faster stuff felt amazing, I had a lot to put out there and could definitely have done more at that pace. On the 1600 my first and last 200 were 36 and everything else was 37--I was rolling nicely at that pace. Hitting paces on the slower reps proved very difficult, but I was able to end up close to my goal pace of 2:44.5 so it wasn't a total loss.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Week 19

This fall I could barely do a 10 mile run at 6:30 pace, now I can do 12 at under 6 minute pace. This fall, I struggled to complete four 1200s at 5:20 pace, now a 5:20 mile on the track feels easy and relaxed. This fall, my best 5k was 17:06, and now I can run over thirty seconds faster on an average day.
My run today was the perfect end to this successful week of training. I traveled to Seneca Creek State Park, and not really wanting to double today I set out for 11. The miles just flowed by, I was running fast and relaxed just soaking up the trails and good weather. After exhausting the trails near and around Clopper Lake, I set out north on the Greenway for the rest of the run, which was gorgeous. With just over a mile to go I used the markers to time a half mile on the Greenway. Picking up the pace a bit I hit 3:18 feeling really strong.
Next week will be geared toward preparing for Pike's Peek, where I'd like to be rested and ready to run fast. I'm excited to see what I can do!
Week 19: 70
April: 170
Season: 1084
Friday, April 16, 2010
Race Report: Crystal City Friday 5k
With a lack of good racing opportunities and getting sick a few weeks ago, I haven't gotten out and raced in 5 weeks. I've got no problem with this--the training and workouts need to be the #1 priority and I'm glad I took the time to get back into the swing of things before attempting to race.
With Pike's Peek in 9 days, tonight was a perfect opportunity to get in a warm up race to see where I'm at. It was a total success; I PR'd, ran up to expectations, and learned a few valuable things that will be useful next time I toe the line.
1) I need to wear a different pair of flats. The Streak is ok, but its way too soft which feels pretty sloppy especially on a course like tonight's with so many turns. Also, each time I've raced in these shoes this spring my left shin has tightened up at some point early in the second mile, which impedes my form and leaves me at a serious disadvantage for the rest of the race. I think next week I'll play it safe and race in my workout flats and see if the change makes any difference.
2) When I'm running fast, especially when I'm tired, my form goes to shit. I tense up and forget to relax and just flow. My stride is more labored and I lean back, causing me to lose momentum and heel strike more. One of the reasons I had such a good long run last week is that I was constantly reminding myself to relax my body (especially my hips and shoulders), and I was immediately able to pick up the pace at no extra effort. This has got to be on my mind during the entirety of next week's race.
The race itself: A pack of five took off at the start, and knowing they would go out in around 5 flat for the mile I hung back a bit keeping them in my sights. I was running with another guy through about 1200 but dropped him there and was pretty much alone the rest of the race. As expected, the top pack went through the mile between 5:00 and 5:08, and I came through at around 5:14. This is the fastest I've gone out in a race since college, but I trusted my fitness and kept up the pressure.
While the course is basically flat, the first half of the second mile is on a slight incline and I began to tire a bit. What kept me motivated was two of the pack of five ahead of me had maxed out and were slowly coming back to me. While the second mile was tough, they definitely got me through it. I hit two miles in 10:40 for a 5:25.
I was gaining slowly on the guy in fifth for half of the third mile. I finally passed him and he had no intention of responding at all. I had my eye on fourth, but he was starting to come back to life knowing the finish line was within reach. I hit 16:03 for three miles with a 5:23, maybe 10 meters behind fourth place. Almost immediately after hitting three miles he took off, and while I certianly kicked hard he was just out of reach. He ended up getting me by two seconds. I ran 16:34, a road and otherwise PR for 5k.
I would call the course flat, but not necessarily fast. There were two 180 degree turnarounds and ten or more 90 degree turns that definitely disrupted rhythm. The weather was around 80, but it was cloudy and about to rain so I didn't notice it much--the sun is what usually gets to me.
Results: http://www.crystalrun5kfridays.com/results/2010_4.16.html
With Pike's Peek in 9 days, tonight was a perfect opportunity to get in a warm up race to see where I'm at. It was a total success; I PR'd, ran up to expectations, and learned a few valuable things that will be useful next time I toe the line.
1) I need to wear a different pair of flats. The Streak is ok, but its way too soft which feels pretty sloppy especially on a course like tonight's with so many turns. Also, each time I've raced in these shoes this spring my left shin has tightened up at some point early in the second mile, which impedes my form and leaves me at a serious disadvantage for the rest of the race. I think next week I'll play it safe and race in my workout flats and see if the change makes any difference.
2) When I'm running fast, especially when I'm tired, my form goes to shit. I tense up and forget to relax and just flow. My stride is more labored and I lean back, causing me to lose momentum and heel strike more. One of the reasons I had such a good long run last week is that I was constantly reminding myself to relax my body (especially my hips and shoulders), and I was immediately able to pick up the pace at no extra effort. This has got to be on my mind during the entirety of next week's race.
The race itself: A pack of five took off at the start, and knowing they would go out in around 5 flat for the mile I hung back a bit keeping them in my sights. I was running with another guy through about 1200 but dropped him there and was pretty much alone the rest of the race. As expected, the top pack went through the mile between 5:00 and 5:08, and I came through at around 5:14. This is the fastest I've gone out in a race since college, but I trusted my fitness and kept up the pressure.
While the course is basically flat, the first half of the second mile is on a slight incline and I began to tire a bit. What kept me motivated was two of the pack of five ahead of me had maxed out and were slowly coming back to me. While the second mile was tough, they definitely got me through it. I hit two miles in 10:40 for a 5:25.
I was gaining slowly on the guy in fifth for half of the third mile. I finally passed him and he had no intention of responding at all. I had my eye on fourth, but he was starting to come back to life knowing the finish line was within reach. I hit 16:03 for three miles with a 5:23, maybe 10 meters behind fourth place. Almost immediately after hitting three miles he took off, and while I certianly kicked hard he was just out of reach. He ended up getting me by two seconds. I ran 16:34, a road and otherwise PR for 5k.
I would call the course flat, but not necessarily fast. There were two 180 degree turnarounds and ten or more 90 degree turns that definitely disrupted rhythm. The weather was around 80, but it was cloudy and about to rain so I didn't notice it much--the sun is what usually gets to me.
Results: http://www.crystalrun5kfridays.com/results/2010_4.16.html
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Lots of Running
I did a lot of running today--16 miles in all. Laura Coogan was in town so we headed to Old Anglers this morning and did a relaxed 6. While the weather wasn't the best, we finished up before it began to rain and had a great run!
In the evening I went over to Georgetown Prep to do a track workout (after a failed attempt at B-CC for the second time in a week). The workout was 800 @ LT, 3 x (1600, 400, 400) with 200 jog within the sets and a 400 jog between sets.
Despite a few obstacles (10-13 year old Lacrosse players) the workout went really well. I was a bit tired from doing Ray's Insanity workout with him last night, but once I got through the LT 800 I was ready to roll. I wouldn't say the workout was overly difficult--I didn't really feel much until the last set and it felt pretty smooth and relaxed overall. I hit (5:21, 75, 75), (5:15, 75, 74), (5:08, 73, 70). The goal was to simulate 5k goal pace on the miles and then run the 400s a bit faster. Mission accomplished!
In the evening I went over to Georgetown Prep to do a track workout (after a failed attempt at B-CC for the second time in a week). The workout was 800 @ LT, 3 x (1600, 400, 400) with 200 jog within the sets and a 400 jog between sets.
Despite a few obstacles (10-13 year old Lacrosse players) the workout went really well. I was a bit tired from doing Ray's Insanity workout with him last night, but once I got through the LT 800 I was ready to roll. I wouldn't say the workout was overly difficult--I didn't really feel much until the last set and it felt pretty smooth and relaxed overall. I hit (5:21, 75, 75), (5:15, 75, 74), (5:08, 73, 70). The goal was to simulate 5k goal pace on the miles and then run the 400s a bit faster. Mission accomplished!
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Needless to say, when I got home at around 5:30 this afternoon I was pretty tired. I laid in bed for about half an hour, then drove to Lock 7 for attempt #2 at a fast long run. Although I hadn't gotten much sleep and was tired from everything I'd done this weekend, I think the combination of Anthony's sick run yesterday and the amazing performances I saw this morning at the Cherry Blossom race inspired me to step up my game a few notches.
The run: 12 miles with the middle 10 "fast." I started off feeling good--it was just nice to be out running after how busy I've been. I gradually picked up the pace, and ended up having one of my best runs ever. I PR'd for 10k and 10 miles along the way, and completed the fastest 12 mile run of my life.
My splits:
6:05 (12:17)
5:54 (18:11)
5:52 (24:03)
5:47 (29:50)
5:45 (35:35)
5:43 (41:18)
5:48 (47:06)
5:43 (52:49)
5:45 (58:34)
That comes out to 71:44 (5:58/mi) for 12 miles, 58:34 (5:51/mi) for the middle 10, and 34:31 (5:45/mi) for the last 6 miles of the middle 10. I'm pumped!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Week 18
Well, this was my first week back at full strength. It had its ups and downs, but I hit my mileage, tested myself in some difficult workouts, and feel strong heading into next week.
On Friday evening I did a speed workout at Richard Montgomery. I did 3 x 200 (100 jog), 800, 600, 6 x 400, 600. The 2's were meant to serve as a warm-up, and the first 8 and 6 were meant to be at about 5 minute pace or just under. From that point on the workout was meant to be pretty fast, somewhere around mile pace. I hit 2:31, 1:50, 70, 69, 66, 67, 66, 68, 1:46.
I wore flats through the first 3 400s and up to that point I felt great. Once I strapped spikes on, the workout definitely went downhill. I haven't worn spikes since November, and my feet and legs were definitely not used to them. My stride felt awkward and choppy with spikes on--which is unfortunate but was a good learning experience. I was expecting the spikes to put an extra spring in my legs and help make the workout a bit faster in the second half, but it had the opposite effect.
I was also planning on ending with an 800 after the second 600, but I got a calf cramp and I was locking up on the 600 so I decided to play it safe and just end the workout there. I think the desired effect was reached and I have no regrets.
Week 18: 70
April: 100
Season: 1014
On Friday evening I did a speed workout at Richard Montgomery. I did 3 x 200 (100 jog), 800, 600, 6 x 400, 600. The 2's were meant to serve as a warm-up, and the first 8 and 6 were meant to be at about 5 minute pace or just under. From that point on the workout was meant to be pretty fast, somewhere around mile pace. I hit 2:31, 1:50, 70, 69, 66, 67, 66, 68, 1:46.
I wore flats through the first 3 400s and up to that point I felt great. Once I strapped spikes on, the workout definitely went downhill. I haven't worn spikes since November, and my feet and legs were definitely not used to them. My stride felt awkward and choppy with spikes on--which is unfortunate but was a good learning experience. I was expecting the spikes to put an extra spring in my legs and help make the workout a bit faster in the second half, but it had the opposite effect.
I was also planning on ending with an 800 after the second 600, but I got a calf cramp and I was locking up on the 600 so I decided to play it safe and just end the workout there. I think the desired effect was reached and I have no regrets.
Week 18: 70
April: 100
Season: 1014
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Failure and Lessons Learned
Today, I ran a TERRIBLE workout. I haven't had this bad of a workout in a long, long time, so I guess I was due. I have the day off of work, so I set out to do 3 miles @ tempo on a hilly road loop followed by 400, 800, 1200, 800, 400 on the track at around 5 minute pace.
1. I got up too late: With temperatures in the high 70s to low 80s during the workout, I think my 9:15 wakeup and 10:00 start to the workout was way too late, especially when I haven't done a workout in temperatures over 60 or 65 degrees in over six months.
2. Tempo runs are not beneficial for my training: I don't think I'll ever do a formal "tempo run" ever again. I get caught up in the pace, I always start too fast, and I always feel crappy whether or not I'm having a good workout. The way I do my long runs is the way to do it--ease into the pace rather than trying to run 5:40s right off the bat. Especially in the morning, my body can't just go from 7:30 pace to 5:40 pace comfortably. A better way to approach this would have been to do a continuous 6 miles with two miles easy, the next mile cutting down, and the next three at tempo.
3. I designed an all-around bad workout: Trying to get out on the track and run longer intervals is not a great idea after having done a tempo run. My legs were a bit zapped from the tempo (and from the heat, I'm sure), and they were stuck in tempo mode. When I got out on the track for my intervals, I couldn't go 5:20 pace to save my life, much less 5:00 pace. The tempo run had taken all of my zip and left me heavy and slow. If I were ever to do a workout like this again (which is unlikely), I would probably get on the track first and finish with the tempo run.
Based on my Garmin, I hit 17:36 for the 3 miles, and according to my map on Google Pedometer it was around 17:06. Garmin is usually long and Google is usually short, so my guess is that the actual time was somewhere in between. I ended up skipping the 1200 because what I was doing was so ineffective and hit 81, 2:43, 2:44, 79. I went ALL OUT on the last 200 of the last 400 and only hit 38. In fact, all of the intervals felt very difficult and strained. Today was not my day.
The good news: I think I understand what went wrong and am not too worried about today. I'm going to be doing my first true speed workout on Friday night and will be ready to rock it then.
1. I got up too late: With temperatures in the high 70s to low 80s during the workout, I think my 9:15 wakeup and 10:00 start to the workout was way too late, especially when I haven't done a workout in temperatures over 60 or 65 degrees in over six months.
2. Tempo runs are not beneficial for my training: I don't think I'll ever do a formal "tempo run" ever again. I get caught up in the pace, I always start too fast, and I always feel crappy whether or not I'm having a good workout. The way I do my long runs is the way to do it--ease into the pace rather than trying to run 5:40s right off the bat. Especially in the morning, my body can't just go from 7:30 pace to 5:40 pace comfortably. A better way to approach this would have been to do a continuous 6 miles with two miles easy, the next mile cutting down, and the next three at tempo.
3. I designed an all-around bad workout: Trying to get out on the track and run longer intervals is not a great idea after having done a tempo run. My legs were a bit zapped from the tempo (and from the heat, I'm sure), and they were stuck in tempo mode. When I got out on the track for my intervals, I couldn't go 5:20 pace to save my life, much less 5:00 pace. The tempo run had taken all of my zip and left me heavy and slow. If I were ever to do a workout like this again (which is unlikely), I would probably get on the track first and finish with the tempo run.
Based on my Garmin, I hit 17:36 for the 3 miles, and according to my map on Google Pedometer it was around 17:06. Garmin is usually long and Google is usually short, so my guess is that the actual time was somewhere in between. I ended up skipping the 1200 because what I was doing was so ineffective and hit 81, 2:43, 2:44, 79. I went ALL OUT on the last 200 of the last 400 and only hit 38. In fact, all of the intervals felt very difficult and strained. Today was not my day.
The good news: I think I understand what went wrong and am not too worried about today. I'm going to be doing my first true speed workout on Friday night and will be ready to rock it then.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Rust-Buster #2

I did 12 miles in 75:30 with 8 miles fast in the middle (miles 4-11). The 8 were 48:28 and the last 10 were 61:29. There was a 5 mile stretch in the middle where I hit 29:48, which was a bit fast for today but I was able to re-adjust after a few miles that were too fast and hit a manageable pace.
I'm ready to hit this week hard, with workouts on Tuesday and Friday and hopefully hitting 65-70 miles for the week.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Week 17

In the spirit of the season, I traveled to D.C. this morning to run through the Cherry Blossoms around the Tidal Basin, around Haines Point (bottom picture), and back to the Smithsonian metro stop. The area around the Tidal Basin was as packed as ever, but I managed to navigate through the crowds and enjoy my first ever run around Haines Point, which is an awesome place to run, even with the number of cars during this busy weekend. I traveled to Old Anglers Inn in the evening to complete a beautiful day of running.
This week went well--obviously I'm not happy about having gotten sick, but I think I was intelligent about my recovery and have built back into running nicely. I'm ready to be running at full throttle next week--and excited for some big races coming up in a few weeks.
Week 17: 50
March: 268
April: 30
Season: 944
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Back in Action
After running once in 4 days due to illness, I returned on Monday with an easy 4 miler in the evening. After two more easy days, I felt good enough to try a workout tonight. Judging by how I've felt this week and in my workout, I don't think my sickness took much out of me--it was just a matter of getting back in the swing of things.
At risk of having a sub-par workout and becoming discouraged, I decided to start things off tonight with a completely untimed leg prep workout to get my legs back under me. I did 4 x 200 (1oo jog), 6 x 300 (200 jog), 2 x 400 (200 jog), 2 x 150 (250 jog), 4 x 200 (100 jog). I felt great--strong, powerful, and fit. The 300's especially felt very fast, but at the same time smooth and controlled. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at after today considering I was leaning over a toilet vomiting a few days ago.
My legs feel great after tonight--I'm definitely ready to resume normal training.
At risk of having a sub-par workout and becoming discouraged, I decided to start things off tonight with a completely untimed leg prep workout to get my legs back under me. I did 4 x 200 (1oo jog), 6 x 300 (200 jog), 2 x 400 (200 jog), 2 x 150 (250 jog), 4 x 200 (100 jog). I felt great--strong, powerful, and fit. The 300's especially felt very fast, but at the same time smooth and controlled. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at after today considering I was leaning over a toilet vomiting a few days ago.
My legs feel great after tonight--I'm definitely ready to resume normal training.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Week 16 - Sick as a Dog
This week did not go well, to say the least. On Wednesday night, I came down with what I believe is a stomach virus and have only run once (6 miles) since, on Friday night. I thought I was getting better, but today (Saturday) has been the worst day so far. I had to leave work early, then laid in bed/slept for about 6 hours all the while trying to decide whether to try and throw up.
I hope this doesn't present too much of a roadblock to my training, my guess at this point is I won't run until Tuesday or Wednesday at the earliest. As long as I can get in one more race before Pike's Peek, I'll be happy. I just need to get back to being healthy and training well again.
Week 16: 53
March: 248
Season: 894
I hope this doesn't present too much of a roadblock to my training, my guess at this point is I won't run until Tuesday or Wednesday at the earliest. As long as I can get in one more race before Pike's Peek, I'll be happy. I just need to get back to being healthy and training well again.
Week 16: 53
March: 248
Season: 894
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
WOW--Alcohol Experiment

I traveled to the unpaved section of the Capital Crescent Trail between Jones Mill and Connecticut and measured out 800 meters. The odd numbered intervals were slightly downhill and the even numbered intervals were slightly uphill. I did 10 x 800, with the first 6 @ LT and the last 4 cutting down. I took a 60 second break between the first 6, 3 minutes after #6, and a 2 minute break between the last 4. I only began timing at #6, and I hit 2:45, 2:34, 2:31, 2:29, 2:27.
The workout went really well, and I don't think the alcohol had any affect what so ever. The first 6 were done in trainers and we probably between 5:20 and 5:30 pace (depending on the direction I went). Those felt very, very easy and manageable. Once I hit the faster ones, I switched into flats and was itching to run faster. Success!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
First Taste of Summer
After finally getting a day to sleep in, I drove over to Old Angler's Inn and began my long run at about 11:15 AM. I got through about 8 miles in the trails feeling pretty damn good, then stopped to take a GU, get water, and use the bathroom at Great Falls.
In the remaining 6 miles, I planned to drop the pace for 4 or 5. Since this is the first hot day I've run in this spring (temperatures during the run were around 70 or 75), I decided to be cautious. I got through 4 in 24:21 feeling pretty good, but I could tell the heat was getting to me. I stopped for water again and jogged in the last 2 miles feeling a bit worn out but still strong.
There is definitely something nice about winter temperatures--its almost easier to do long runs, especially fast ones, in the cold weather. I'm sure I'll acclimate to warmer temperatures as I have more and more exposure, but today was a nasty reminder of what I'm sure to face in the coming months.
In the remaining 6 miles, I planned to drop the pace for 4 or 5. Since this is the first hot day I've run in this spring (temperatures during the run were around 70 or 75), I decided to be cautious. I got through 4 in 24:21 feeling pretty good, but I could tell the heat was getting to me. I stopped for water again and jogged in the last 2 miles feeling a bit worn out but still strong.
There is definitely something nice about winter temperatures--its almost easier to do long runs, especially fast ones, in the cold weather. I'm sure I'll acclimate to warmer temperatures as I have more and more exposure, but today was a nasty reminder of what I'm sure to face in the coming months.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Week 15
This week went really well--starting with the St. Patrick's Day 8k and ending with a great workout yesterday. With my racing schedule up in the air a bit for the next few weeks, I'm looking to just continue the good training I've been doing. When I do get the chance to race again, I'll be ready.
Hey Anthony, I love you.
Week 15: 70
March: 195
Season: 841
Hey Anthony, I love you.
Week 15: 70
March: 195
Season: 841
Friday, March 19, 2010
Green Day
After an easy, 3 mile shakeout this morning, I hit the track at B-CC after work for some mile repeats. The workout was: an untimed 800 @ cruise pace, 4 x 1600 (400 jog rest), 2 x 400 faster (200 jog rest). My times ended up being: 5:24, 5:20, 5:10, 4:57, 67, 62.
Looking back on the workout, which I intended to run at goal 5k pace, or about 5:15-5:20/mile, I think I started way too slow. Thats not all bad, as the slower miles at the start certainly helped me warm into the workout. The first one felt like a tempo interval, easy and smooth. On the second one, I actually struggled a bit and was having some trouble holding good form in the last 800. On my recovery lap, I worried a bit as to whether I would be able to even complete 2 more miles @ 5:20. I told myself to worry less about pace, relax a bit, and just run fast.
I did exactly that, and the third one really shocked me. I expended much less effort running 10 seconds faster, opening up my stride and just trying to focus on running hard rather than hitting certain splits. I feel as if this is where the workout turned from cruise intervals to an actual hard workout. The last one was hard, but didn't feel like any other sub-5 mile I've ever run. This one was much more manageable. The 400s at the end surprised me as well; I locked up big time on the last one so I was happy to see 62 after I crossed the line.
Last week's workout went very well, and this one went infinitely better. I'm still trying to get used to these types of workouts, so I'm sure I'll continue to see improvements over the next few weeks.
The best part of the workout, however, was a conversation I had with (presumably) a B-CC high school girl standing at the top of the bleachers during one of my recovery jogs:
B-CC girl: I love running at night with my shirt off wearing short shorts.
Me: I know, its pretty hot, right?
B-CC girl: It is, can I come down there and bone you?
Me: Yeah, sure!
...5 minutes later...
B-CC girl: I love you, shirtless man I don't know!!
Looking back on the workout, which I intended to run at goal 5k pace, or about 5:15-5:20/mile, I think I started way too slow. Thats not all bad, as the slower miles at the start certainly helped me warm into the workout. The first one felt like a tempo interval, easy and smooth. On the second one, I actually struggled a bit and was having some trouble holding good form in the last 800. On my recovery lap, I worried a bit as to whether I would be able to even complete 2 more miles @ 5:20. I told myself to worry less about pace, relax a bit, and just run fast.
I did exactly that, and the third one really shocked me. I expended much less effort running 10 seconds faster, opening up my stride and just trying to focus on running hard rather than hitting certain splits. I feel as if this is where the workout turned from cruise intervals to an actual hard workout. The last one was hard, but didn't feel like any other sub-5 mile I've ever run. This one was much more manageable. The 400s at the end surprised me as well; I locked up big time on the last one so I was happy to see 62 after I crossed the line.
Last week's workout went very well, and this one went infinitely better. I'm still trying to get used to these types of workouts, so I'm sure I'll continue to see improvements over the next few weeks.
The best part of the workout, however, was a conversation I had with (presumably) a B-CC high school girl standing at the top of the bleachers during one of my recovery jogs:
B-CC girl: I love running at night with my shirt off wearing short shorts.
Me: I know, its pretty hot, right?
B-CC girl: It is, can I come down there and bone you?
Me: Yeah, sure!
...5 minutes later...
B-CC girl: I love you, shirtless man I don't know!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Post-Race and Injury Scare!
Immediately upon stepping out of bed on Monday morning, I felt a sharp, shooting pain on the top to my ankle as I walked to the bathroom. I decided to get out the door anyway and complete the prescribed 8.5 on the Rock Creek trails. It loosened up as I ran, and although it was a bit tender afterward, the pain faded throughout the day.
Tuesday morning I kept my plans to do an easier workout (being only 2 days after a major race) and after adjusting the laces on my shoes, I felt little pain in my ankle. Wearing flats for 9+ miles and navigating all of those 180 degree turns during the race on Sunday must have irritated something, but I don't think its much to worry about.
The workout went well, I felt great this morning. I ran 3+ to warm up, did a 2k at cruise pace around my neighborhood 1k loop, then headed out for a 6+ mile fartlek of 3 x (2 on, 2 off, 1 on 1 off), 3 on 3 off, 2 x (2 on, 2 off, 1 on 1). I felt strong and fast, completing the last 6 miles of the run in 38:40 feeling pretty fresh. I got in about 11 for the morning.
Tuesday morning I kept my plans to do an easier workout (being only 2 days after a major race) and after adjusting the laces on my shoes, I felt little pain in my ankle. Wearing flats for 9+ miles and navigating all of those 180 degree turns during the race on Sunday must have irritated something, but I don't think its much to worry about.
The workout went well, I felt great this morning. I ran 3+ to warm up, did a 2k at cruise pace around my neighborhood 1k loop, then headed out for a 6+ mile fartlek of 3 x (2 on, 2 off, 1 on 1 off), 3 on 3 off, 2 x (2 on, 2 off, 1 on 1). I felt strong and fast, completing the last 6 miles of the run in 38:40 feeling pretty fresh. I got in about 11 for the morning.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Race Report: St. Patrick's Day 8k

Today's race went very well. I confirmed that my fitness is better than my 5k two weeks ago indicated, as I ran close to the same pace for a race 3k longer.
The weather was great--it was raining both before and after but during the race it was a dry, pleasant 45-50 degrees with some (but not too much) wind. The course was very flat but had four 180 degree turns which are obviously not ideal but didn't seem to slow me down too much.
My pacing and ability to react to slow paces and other runners was phenomenal. After hitting the first mile in 5:28, I began running with a pack of about five other runners. I tucked into the the pack and we hit mile two in 5:39 which was way slow. I immediately made a move and dropped the entire pack save one runner (who ended up beating me by over 30 seconds) and hit mile three running solo in 5:27.
I could feel myself starting to relax a bit during the fourth mile so I thought this mile would surely be much slower. With nobody around me it was hard to push the pace, but I heard footsteps and that kept me motivated enough to come in 5:35. In the first minute or two of the final mile I was passed but still making up ground quickly on some runners up ahead. The final 180 degree turn was with about 400 meters to go, and after getting around the turn I was able to pass the runner who passed me and take it home to the finish line. The final mile ended up being 5:19 for a nice, round 27:30.
I still have much work to do to be where I'd like, but this was a marked improvement over my last race and I'm excited to see that trend continue.
Race Results: http://results.active.com/pages/displayNonGru.jsp?pubID=3&rsID=89952
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Week 14
After my track workout on Wednesday, the rest of the week was relatively easy to not only recover but to prepare for tomorrow's race. Friday was an awesome run--I did Jo's tempo with her and it felt great to pick up the pace and just roll for a while at a quick but relaxed effort.
My sleep has been less than ideal this week so I'm expecting to go into tomorrow's race a bit tired, but my legs feel great and I'm ready to roll. After a down week mileage-wise, I'm ready to ramp it up next week with both volume and intensity. I'm getting faster every day and feel great.
Week 14: 65
March: 125
Season: 771
My sleep has been less than ideal this week so I'm expecting to go into tomorrow's race a bit tired, but my legs feel great and I'm ready to roll. After a down week mileage-wise, I'm ready to ramp it up next week with both volume and intensity. I'm getting faster every day and feel great.
Week 14: 65
March: 125
Season: 771
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
First REAL Track Workout
The week began with an easy run on Sunday in LA (on which Anthony and I saw probably the hottest girl ever) on a beautiful, sunny, 65 degree morning. I returned home and got right back at it 7:30 Monday morning. I did 12, running to Towers, completing 4.5 loops with a continuous 6 x 1k (400m rest) on the grass, and running back. I didn't wear my watch so I have no idea how fast I ran, but after the first one I felt smooth, strong, and fast.
After much debate, I decided to move my workout from Thursday morning to Wednesday night. I keep telling myself that its to give me more rest before my race on Sunday, but the real reason is that I just don't feel like doing another morning workout this week. This is the first track workout of the season that I've done anything longer than 400m and that I've timed the bulk of the workout.
I traveled to RM after work and did an untimed 2k at cruise pace followed by 1600, 2 x 1200, 2 x 800, 2 x 400 with a 400 jog after each rep (200 jog after the 400s). I'm trying not to label my workouts as being a certain pace, but if I had to I'd say this was pretty close to a V02 type effort. I hit 5.14, 3.51, 3.49, 2.31, 2.29, 72, 66. I'm very satisfied with the result, as I ran a bit faster than expected and stayed strong the entire workout, cutting down the pace on each interval. And this is just the beginning!
After much debate, I decided to move my workout from Thursday morning to Wednesday night. I keep telling myself that its to give me more rest before my race on Sunday, but the real reason is that I just don't feel like doing another morning workout this week. This is the first track workout of the season that I've done anything longer than 400m and that I've timed the bulk of the workout.
I traveled to RM after work and did an untimed 2k at cruise pace followed by 1600, 2 x 1200, 2 x 800, 2 x 400 with a 400 jog after each rep (200 jog after the 400s). I'm trying not to label my workouts as being a certain pace, but if I had to I'd say this was pretty close to a V02 type effort. I hit 5.14, 3.51, 3.49, 2.31, 2.29, 72, 66. I'm very satisfied with the result, as I ran a bit faster than expected and stayed strong the entire workout, cutting down the pace on each interval. And this is just the beginning!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Week 13

Thursday afternoon was nearly 9 miles at 6:32 pace running from the Santa Monica College track where Andrew and Anthony were doing their workout with SMTC. It felt great to run shirtless and in shorts, and running along Ocean and San Vicente is always a wonderful experience. Friday was a double, with an easy 4 in the morning and 6 with SMTC in the evening. The 6 miler was done at about 6:40 pace.
Saturday was a longer run with SMTC which went very well. I ran with Anthony for his workout, which was a run of about 11 miles with 9 "fresh" in the middle which we completed in 54:15. The run felt awesome--I was relaxed and smooth for most of the run and it was awesome to average 6 minute pace for a run of that length.
Week 13: 70
February: 272
March: 60
Season: 706
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Landon is Back!
After two pretty crappy recovery days on Monday and Tuesday, I reluctantly headed to the Landon track at 7:30 on Wednesday morning (which is finally cleared!). I was pretty tired, probably due to a big last two weeks running-wise and my lack of sleep early this week. Nonetheless, I thought that just maybe doing something fast would snap me out of my slump.
The workout went very well. This was my second to last untimed leg prep workout, consisting of 5 x 200 (100 jog), 5 x 300 (200 jog), 3 x 400 (200 jog), 2 x 150 (250 jog), 5 x 200 (100 jog). After dragging a bit on the first set, I changed into flats and really opened up and felt good the rest of the workout, especially the 150s. The last set of easier 200s felt amazing, my stride was perfectly in sync and I felt like I was just floating effortlessly along the track.
These workouts that I like to think of as "glorified strides" always seem to freshen my legs and remind me how to run fast again. With my legs clearly ready to run fast, I'm looking forward to starting some interval workouts in the next couple weeks!
The workout went very well. This was my second to last untimed leg prep workout, consisting of 5 x 200 (100 jog), 5 x 300 (200 jog), 3 x 400 (200 jog), 2 x 150 (250 jog), 5 x 200 (100 jog). After dragging a bit on the first set, I changed into flats and really opened up and felt good the rest of the workout, especially the 150s. The last set of easier 200s felt amazing, my stride was perfectly in sync and I felt like I was just floating effortlessly along the track.
These workouts that I like to think of as "glorified strides" always seem to freshen my legs and remind me how to run fast again. With my legs clearly ready to run fast, I'm looking forward to starting some interval workouts in the next couple weeks!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Race Report: Love The Run You're With 5k

Despite what the website said about this being a flat, fast course, there was a decent sized hill in the first half mile. The rest of the way out on the out and back course was a gradual downhill, but accompanied by a strong headwind. The way back was pretty much all uphill until the last 600-800 meters also seemed pretty windy.
After getting out comfortably, I held a steady, controlled pace for the first mile. I was expecting to come in around 5:20, so when I saw 5:31 I immediately picked up the pace and realized I had been running a bit too comfortably. The second mile was better, the pace felt a lot faster and I felt more competitive as I passed a few guys who had passed me near the end of the first mile. That being said, my left shin tightened up a lot early in the second mile which somewhat negatively impacted my form but didn't seem to be a huge hindrance. I came through the second mile in 5:27 (10:59) and headed into the nearly all uphill third mile where I pushed harder. Unfortunately there was nobody near me at this point, so I chugged on alone. I hit mile 3 in 5:28 (16:27) and sprinted to the finish in 29 high for 16:57, a road PR and my first time under 17 in almost three years.
With this being my first race in three months, I'm happy. I felt pretty well recovered within about five or ten minutes, so I know I can go faster, especially if I go out faster. This is definitely a good benchmark, but I need to take it down from here. As my workouts change from fast long runs, tempos, and leg prep workouts to more structured intervals as well as more racing over the next few weeks, I should have no trouble dropping my race times drastically. Goal for the St. Patrick's Day 8k: hold my race pace from today (5:28-5:30). I've got a lot of work to do, but this was definitely a great start!
Race Results: http://www.albanyrunningexchange.org/results/search.php?ID=1472
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Week 12
The name of the game this week was run hard and recover. I have found that at 70 mpw, my body is having a bit more trouble feeling sharp each day as it did at 60 or 65. Because my recovery days are now always hour long runs instead of 45 minutes, or 90 minutes split into a double, my legs don't have the same pop on a daily basis as they have for most of this base period. On each of my workouts this week, both longer aerobic sessions (nothing even remotely anaerobic!), it has taken me two days to feel fully recovered.
Running a few weeks at this mileage and getting used to the load is definitely necessary to be ready for the increased workout intensity and race schedule I have planned for the spring. That being said, when I did plan to run hard this week I felt great. My pacing, day-to-day recovery, strides, and diet have been as close to ideal this week as I could hope for and I'm glad I've been smart about my running, and the success I had this week definitely shows.
Despite two great workouts this week, the highlight has to be from my run today on Beach Drive. As I was doing my strides, a woman from a large marathon training group came over to me and told me "all the ladies think you have beautiful legs." Can't resist a man in tights!
I have my first race tomorrow, and I can't wait to see where I'm at. Hopefully, I'll run fast but in any case it will be a good test of fitness! Results to come.
Week 12: 70
February: 262
Season: 636
Running a few weeks at this mileage and getting used to the load is definitely necessary to be ready for the increased workout intensity and race schedule I have planned for the spring. That being said, when I did plan to run hard this week I felt great. My pacing, day-to-day recovery, strides, and diet have been as close to ideal this week as I could hope for and I'm glad I've been smart about my running, and the success I had this week definitely shows.
Despite two great workouts this week, the highlight has to be from my run today on Beach Drive. As I was doing my strides, a woman from a large marathon training group came over to me and told me "all the ladies think you have beautiful legs." Can't resist a man in tights!
I have my first race tomorrow, and I can't wait to see where I'm at. Hopefully, I'll run fast but in any case it will be a good test of fitness! Results to come.
Week 12: 70
February: 262
Season: 636
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